Encoding a leparello in IIIF

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Christian Mahnke

Feb 25, 2021, 1:32:17 PM2/25/21
to IIIF Discuss
Hi all,
fo a personal project I have the need to describe a leparello in IIIF.
Some of you might be aware what I'm referring to, but since I haven't found a direct translation from this German word except the adjective "fanfold", let me point you to a link  which, in my opinion, illustrate this and why Im asking this question:

As you can see it's a folded leaf of (in this case) an illustration. It also can be something else like an advertisement. Sometimes these can also have page numbers, are maps and sometimes similar structures can be part of a bound book. 
The example shows a somewhat less than perfect way of displaying such a document. It features some sort of overview as the first page and then each page as a single image.

What I'm exactly looking for is some guidance how to encode these, preserving the information which pages belong to one "page context" or side. Like two facing pages in a book -  for a 12 "page" leparello 6 facing pages displayed in one go.

Maybe I'm just blinded by the term "leparello" here and IIIF supports this use case just under another name?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking whether this encoding can be displayed by any viewer, I've already figured out that there is no requirement for compliance with the IIIF specification for IIIF viewers. 

I'm happy for your suggestions.


Andrew Hankinson

Feb 26, 2021, 5:40:57 AM2/26/21
to iiif-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi Christian,

One other English term for this is a 'fold-out'; You can find some discussion on how to handle these if you Google "IIIF fold-out". For example:


This is typically covered by a viewing hint of 'paged' for the actual paged canvases, and then inserting 'non-paged' canvases that indicate the fold-out.

If the whole thing is basically a fold-out (not just single pages) you might consider digitizing it as a scroll, and using the viewing hint of 'continuous'. The University of Edinburgh did a fantastic example of this with their Mahābhārata scroll. You can view it here:


and the manifest is here:


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Feb 26, 2021, 7:14:22 AM2/26/21
to iiif-d...@googlegroups.com
Further to Andrew's email, my colleague Scott has blogged a little bit about the technical challenges of serving the Mahabharata with IIIF here: http://libraryblogs.is.ed.ac.uk/diu/2018/06/22/a-stitch-in-time-mahabharata-delivered-online/


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Debra Cashion

Feb 26, 2021, 8:36:33 AM2/26/21
to iiif-d...@googlegroups.com
Hi Christian, 

I want to mention that there is an ongoing workshop at the Beinecke Library focused on digitizing rolls and scrolls: 

​I would email Ray Clemens about it if you're interested:

Thanks, Debra

PIease visit the new website for the METAscripta project!

Debra Taylor Cashion, PhD, MLIS

Digital Humanities Librarian,

Asst. Librarian Vatican Film Library

Pius XII Memorial Library

3650 Lindell Boulevard

St. Louis, MO 63108


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