July AI/ML Community Group Call: Respectful reuse and AI/ML Tags in IIIF Manifests

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Emma Stanford

Jun 26, 2024, 3:14:43 PM (4 days ago) Jun 26
to IIIF Discuss
Hello everyone,

Our July 24 AI/ML Community Group call will be themed around how we can advocate for respectful reuse of IIIF resources in an AI/ML context. Allison Sherrick from METRO.org will be reprising her wonderful presentation  with Diego Pino from IIIF 2024, and talking in more detail about their proposal for including "no-AI" or "regulated AI" tags in IIIF manifests. Then we'll have time for discussion of these topics. We hope to see many of you there.

Call information:
July 24, 10am San Francisco | 1pm New York | 18:00 CEST | 17:00 BST
Meeting ID: 927 0188 5540
Password: 219585
Agenda and notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N69Q6eW2faXZYUMh0XVdMoEFF_SOHb7HNDeouWpSWr8/edit 

Abstract for Allison and Diego's IIIF 2024 presentation:
We are living through yet another transformative era when the fundamental drivers of Internet content creation, curation, and reuse are shifting as massive AI and ML applications reform our shared digital landscape. In response to these shifting sands, we need to rethink the ways we can best provide quality research and reuse interactions for our richly described content shared through IIIF APIs and related Manifests. The unregulated consumption of data and resources by AI-powered bots and harvesters is increasingly more tenuous and challenges our well established ideas of what openness means. We propose the implementation of standardized “no-AI'' or “regulated AI” tags in IIIF Manifests that could be applied in repository environments across the globe. Similar to the initiatives crafted by other creative content communities to limit the scraping of images and text using “noai” and “noimageai” meta HTML tags, we propose that the IIIF Community considers implementing a set of tags within the standard IIIF API frameworks to help better regulate AI/ML content scraping and non-consented or attributed use of IIIF powered content in AI/ML applications. We strongly believe in the value of creating consensus and shared practices in our own community for combating this significant challenge.

Allison's bio:
Allison Sherrick, Digital Projects and Services Manager
Allison works as part of METRO’s Digital Services Team to extend METRO’s digitization, metadata, hosting and support services for digital collections and custom digital projects development. She is an active member of the Archipelago Commons open source software team, and specializes in implementing and supporting diverse digital repository configurations and environments. She is enthusiastic about supporting and expanding access to information resources from institutions of all shapes, sizes, and geographic locations.

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