IHR Digital History Seminar Reminder

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Oct 31, 2011, 12:25:30 PM10/31/11
to ihr-digital-histor...@googlegroups.com
Institute for Historical Research Seminar in Digital History

Venue: ST276 (Stewart House, second floor) and streamed live on the web at historyspot.org.uk

Time: Tuesday, November 1, 5.15 pm GMT 

Matt Thompson (York) 

'From Which to Taste a Vicarious Holiday'; railway marketing, digital history and collaboration

This paper explores railway publicity and the ways in which digital methods can be used to facilitate historical research and provide new strategies to disseminate the findings. It explores the ways in which digital technology is used, within a museum context, to make collections more accessible to academics along with providing new tools for engaging the wider public with both museums and the work of academic collaborators. The paper concludes by examining other recent research within the digital humanities and suggesting further areas for study.

The IHR Seminar in digital history is actively engaged in presenting and discussing new methodologies which have been made possible through the development of computational methods for the study of history. Further information can be found on the IHR Seminar page at http://www.history.ac.uk/events/seminars/321.  Follow us on twitter @IHRDigHist or join the mailing list for seminar announcements: http://groups.google.com/group/ihr-digital-history-seminar-announce
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