Error: Sc or sv is unauthorized

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Digital Thor

Jul 17, 2020, 2:11:40 PM7/17/20
to iHealth Developer Forum

I was able to get the Oauth2 access token for the Blood Pressure resource, but can’t get any data from the BP endpoint.  When I try to get data using that access token, I get the error message shown below.

BackValue: ""
Client_Para: null
Error: "SN_or_SV_is_not_authorized"
ErrorCode: 3
ErrorDescription: "Sc or sv is unauthorized"


When calling the resource, I used the example at










I modified the above parameters to use my app values (which were emailed to me from iHealth after I registered my app).  For the redirect_uri, I used my localhost redirect page ( which is the same as what I included when I registered the app.

Do I need to set a header with a bearer token, or is there a different problem?  

I emailed iHealth Support four days ago, but got an auto-response that they are very busy.  Their phone support says to email them.  So if anyone in this forum has suggestions, I'd be glad to hear from you!



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