IHE Radiology Technical Committee,
This is a REMINDER that the IHE Radiology Technical Committee will be accepting votes and comments on Change Proposal (CP) Ballot 2023A for Radiology Profiles until March 24, 2023.The Change Proposal (CP) and the details are linked here in this form.
Submit your vote and comments: Votes and comments will be accepted using Google Forms. Click here for the form. Please note items starred (*) are mandatory.
Edit your responses: If necessary, you may edit your responses or forward the link to co-workers to complete your organization’s vote by multiple participants on or before March 24, 2023. Please right click the “Edit your response” link you will receive in the confirmation notice, then copy the shortcut for use at a later time.
If your organization is an IHE International member and has a representative on the IHE Radiology Technical committee, participating in this ballot will help you acquire or maintain voting rights.
Please contact i...@ihe.net with questions.
Thank you.
TeRhonda McGee
TeRhonda Mcgee
Informatics Coordinator
Department of Informatics
Radiological Society of North America
820 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
TEL 1-630-590-3770
FAX 1-630-571-7837
Radiological Society of North America
820 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
TEL 1-630-571-2670
FAX 1-630-571-7837
Become a member