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Work item updates

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Jose Costa Teixeira

Feb 14, 2023, 7:49:56 AM2/14/23
to ihe-pharmacy
Dear Colleagues

As promised last week, I'd like to find a time to do the work on the remaining items.  
First, IHE ITI is hosting a session on editing FHIR profiles this monday 13th, perhaps you may want to join.

As for the work items, here is the status:
1. Supply: the current profile is in 
Next: There are a few issues (some broken links, extra menus that should be removed. I can look into that). I would really value that someone gives it a first look and see if anything major is missing or look at the narrative. Feel free to add github issues to point at gaps and problems.

2. Prescription
While the core FHIR resource is easy to profile for the basic use cases, we had some open topics. I tried to summarize those key topics in this document, so that we don't lose track or restart the discussions. I hope to recover some of the work on data models that we had before and other reference models.
Next: I would like to set up regular calls, every 2 weeks, starting next week. Can those interested please give me an idea of the times they prefer or the times they absolutely can't?

3. Medication Record / Medication Lists:
I think this is in alignment with the Swiss initiative and should be a good functional complement to the IPS specifications. The same document above and the same action: 
 I would like to set up regular calls, every 2 weeks, starting as soon as this or next week. Can those interested please give me an idea of the times they prefer or the times they absolutely can't?

Thank you

Kind regards


Jürgen Brandstätter

Feb 22, 2023, 4:36:52 AM2/22/23

Dear Jose,


here an update to the second item (2) – Prescriptions:


1) As discussed last time, there is now more clarity on the use-case in Austria. Also, IHE and HL7 Austria have teamed up already on this topic and are ready to go.


2) On the “Gemini”-side, this project will be (most likely) be approved as to be an official Gemini project early March


3) The current list of eP projects currently includes Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany – more to come as I guess


We need to set up a workgroup call on this asap to start the work!


I would propose to do it in the week of Feb 27th (= next week) or Mar 13th - I write to you directly for finding the best date


The train is gaining speed 😊




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