I am a staff person at the Radiological Society of North America and am
responsible for overseeing the imaging-related efforts of the
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise initiative (IHE). IHE creates
profile documents that describe how to use established standards (like
DICOM, HL7 and W3C) to address specific interoperability problems in
healthcare. It has been successful in radiology, cardiology and general
healthcare IT in improving the way systems connect, communicate and
support efficient workflow.
A number of vendors, users and clinicians have started to band together
to create an endoscopy planning committee. Some initial work has
already been done in Japan. I would be happy to share further details
with you (or, better, invite those who understand it best to do so).
Ultimately we would love to have ASGE take part officially in, and even
take responsibility for sponsoring, this work.
The group is interested in holding a committee meeting at the DDW 2007
meeting in Washington. The preferred date would be May 21. Please let
me know whether this would be possible and who I would need to contact
to set it up and notify potentially interested parties within ASGE.
Best regards,
Chris Carr
Christopher Carr
Director of Informatics/RSNA
820 Jorie Boulevard/Oak Brook, IL 60523
ph: (630)368-3739/fax: (630)571-7837
email: cc...@rsna.org