FW: IHE PCC PDMT Volume 1 - v 0.5 uploaded

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Melo, Christopher

Feb 16, 2017, 4:38:26 PM2/16/17
to ihe-car...@googlegroups.com, ihe-car...@googlegroups.com, Ioana Singureanu (ioana.singureanu@gmail.com), Denise Downing (ddowning@aorn.org)

Hi –


Here is the updated IHE PCC Point-of-Care Medical Device Tracking profile supplement that includes use cases in support of cardiac devices.  The IHE PCC TC is in the process of completing the Volume 1 content, including addressing the comments we have submitted.


The PCC TC will continue their work on this profile to define the Volume 2 content – including the transactions.  They plan to review the Volume 2 content in April (F2F meeting will be April 24-28) with the goal to publish for Public Comment in May.


If you have any feedback, please respond with specific suggestions or join in the IHE PCC t-cons for this profile.




From: Ioana Singureanu [mailto:ioana.si...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 4:25 PM
To: Denise Downing; emma....@allscripts.com; Myers, Jeremiah
Cc: Melo, Christopher; Amit Popat; Rhoads, John
Subject: IHE PCC PDMT Volume 1 - v 0.5 uploaded


Hi team:


I uploaded the Volume 1 including the revisions we discussed on Monday.

Next week I will be at HIMSS and hope to see you in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase - in the FHA demo area.






   Ioana Singureanu
   Eversolve, LLC
   T: 603 548 5640

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IHE_Suppl_PMDT Volume 1 - comments resolved - v 0.5.docx


Feb 20, 2017, 5:14:43 PM2/20/17
to ihe-car...@googlegroups.com, ihe-car...@googlegroups.com, ioana.si...@gmail.com, ddow...@aorn.org

Hi Chris,


Just an FYI, here’s the CP that added UDI to DICOM objects:



I recognize that data in the images will likely be a fringe case, but you may want to look over the text, references and encoding choices.  Let us know if you see any issues.  There was a surprising amount of discussion in DICOM for what is ostensibly a fairly simple addition. J


Best Regards,


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