iGet Mobile Server is running (green checkmark), but can't access it from remote IP

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Apr 7, 2008, 6:32:19 PM4/7/08
to iGet Mobile Support
The iGet Mobile server is running - has the green checkmark - and I
can access it from my Mac, but not from, say, my iPod Touch.

I have an SMC router. Settings are as follows, in the port-forwarding
area of my router settings:

Name: ***** (I chose any appropriate name)
LAN Server IP: *** *** * ** (this is my Mac's static IP address,
which shows up as "IP Address" in OS X Leopard's Network settings
Start IP: (nothing entered)
End IP: (nothing entered)
Start Public Port: 55555
End Public Port: (55555 by default)
Private Ports: 55555
Enable Port Range: (unchecked)

It is worth noting that after a while, the iGet Mobile Server loses
its connection (red X), but I still can't login to it from a remote IP
even when the connection is active.

I even tried to use my Mac's wireless IP address (Airport) in the LAN
Server IP area, and it connected, but I still can't do it remotely.

I'd certainly appreciate any help you can offer.

Christian R. Szabo


Apr 7, 2008, 7:22:55 PM4/7/08
to iGet Mobile Support
EDIT ---------------

Just wanted to add to this.

I can indeed access my iGet Mobile server by navigating to my Mac's IP

Until the server drops the connection - in about 20 min. or so.

As far as I know, I have a static IP address - doesn't change even
after a reboot.

But for some reason iGet Mobile drops the connection after a while, so
that there is a red "x" where the green checkmark used to be. In order
to re-establish internet connectivity I need to restart iGet Mobile.

And another thing:

In the iGet Mobile control pane there are two URLs at the top which
lead nowhere, though they seem to have something to do with my ISP.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but i really want to get this to work.
This is an amazing piece of software.

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