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Questions regarding IECM tool (full version price + O&M costs questions)

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Majed Sammak

Mar 3, 2022, 12:11:30 PM3/3/22
to IECM User Forum
Dear IECM support team

Thank you very much for an amazing work with IECM tool and for making it available  to download. 

I have couple of questions 

1. How much does it cost to purchase the full IECM version which includes the adsorption, membrane and other CCS technologies ?
2. Is there any available /planned training or courses regarding CCS costing which I can purchase/attend?

I am using NETL report NETL-PUB-22638 for costing and I can see for the combined cycle case the values are very close. 
The tool fixed O&M cost is 2USD/MWh and the variable O&M cost is 7USD/MWh. This is close to NETL O&M costs after taking out the property tax and insurance.   

3. Can you please share the assumptions for fixed and variable O&M costs?

Thank you very much 
Best Regards

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Mar 7, 2022, 9:54:38 PM3/7/22
to IECM User Forum
We're glad to hear that you're finding the IECM useful.

1. The version of the IECM that you download free from our website is the full version. Some options may be grayed out if configuration requirements are not met; see the User Manual for details. You may find it easier to start with one of the predefined configurations and adjust from there, especially if you're working with oxyfuel, which has the most complicated requirements of any of our models.

2. We are not aware of any courses, however you may find this new report of interest: <>.

3. You can find information on our financial parameters at < Financial Parameters May 2016.pdf>.

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