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How do I do that in the IECM?

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Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Jul 19, 2019, 8:28:35 AM7/19/19
to IECM User Forum
Are you having difficulty using the IECM for a specific purpose? Trying to figure out where something is, or trying to model a technology that's not included? Sometimes the IECM can be used in less obvious ways to get the results you need. Share what you're trying to do - someone else may have done something similar. Or, if you've figured out how to solve one of these problems, share your experience so that others can benefit.

Max Bernau

Aug 9, 2019, 5:27:38 PM8/9/19
to IECM User Forum

Three additional questions below. Refer to Exhibit 3-3 in Rev3 of the Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy PlantsVolume 1a: Bituminous Coal (PC) and Natural Gas to Electricity document (pasted below).

  • Why does the Case B12B IECM session have no capital costs included for a reclaimer? I understand the cost for this equipment is tied to the make-up solvent flowrate but there is no way to increase the flowrate from zero in the IECM tool. The DOE cases included a reclaimer (called amine purification unit) so I am curious why no capital costs are included in the IECM tool.
  • What is the steam extractor? I’m not familiar with this equipment. Is it just piping, valves, and regulators used to deliver steam from the plant turbines to the reboiler?
  • Are costs included for the water vapor recompression system in the IECM tool?


Abishek Kasturi

Sep 5, 2019, 2:36:29 PM9/5/19
to IECM User Forum


I was wondering if it would be possible to change the thermal efficiency of the powerplant. I am trying to simulate biofuel powerplants, and apparently biofuel power plants have a lower thermal efficiency (~25%) than pulverized coal power plants (~37%).

Is there a way to account for this change?


Abishek Kasturi 

Abishek Kasturi

Sep 5, 2019, 2:36:29 PM9/5/19
to IECM User Forum

I wanted to know if it would be possible to change the thermal efficiency of the power plant. I am currently trying to simulate power plants running on biofuels, and biofuel powerplants apparently run at a lower efficiency (~25%) than pulverized coal power plants (~40%).

Is there a way to account for this change in efficiency?


Abishek Kasturi 

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Oct 29, 2019, 2:55:50 PM10/29/19
to IECM User Forum

We apologize for the delay in answering your question - we've been swamped.

You can change the plant efficiency for biofuels by changing the IECM default values for one or both of two key parameters.  Under Set Parameters->Base Plant->Base Plant Performance increasing the value of the Steam Cycle Heat Rate (which is the reciprocal of efficiency) will decrease the overall plant efficiency.  Decreasing the Boiler Efficiency also will yield that result.

You can see the effect under Get Results->Overall Plant->Plant Performance, where the net plant efficiency is reported at bottom of left panel.  For biofuels, just change the steam cycle heat rate until you get the net efficiency you want.

If you haven't already done so, we suggest that you create a custom "coal" with the properties of your biofuel to make it easier to reference and use in future sessions.

We hope this helps.


The IECM Team


Jan 20, 2020, 7:55:28 AM1/20/20
to IECM User Forum
Hello, I am a student trying to use IECM to study economic analysis of Oxy-Combustion of Lignite coal in a Circulating Fluidized Bed and compare it with amine-based plants. My goal is to find out ways to simulate the oxy-CFB by IECM. So I have used available configuration of the oxy-PC system. We found data on the relative cost of CFBR and PC, to be able to use retrofit and/or amortization factors to scale the PC costs appropriately. But, if we wanted to use CFBR, for example, efficiency, the amount of flue gas (equipment sizes), emissions or other similar parameters may have a different composition from the PC boiler system. Is there a way to account for these changes? which plant components are not significantly affected when simulating the oxy-CFB by IECM? How would we implement that if the setting is not available in the configuration? Thank you.

19 Temmuz 2019 Cuma 15:28:35 UTC+3 tarihinde Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU yazdı:

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Jan 23, 2020, 7:25:40 PM1/23/20
to IECM User Forum
In addition to adjusting the cost parameters, you also need to adjust the Base Plant parameters on two screens--Base Plant Performance and Furnace Factors—to account for differences between PC and CFB boilers. That’s the main component affecting the overall plant. The excess air values and exit temperature for CFB are especially important for determining flue gas flow rates that affect all downstream equipment sizes.  You'll also need to select a lignite coal from the IECM database or supply your own coal composition.


The IECM Team
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