Suggestions for improving the IECM

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Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Jul 19, 2019, 8:29:34 AM7/19/19
to IECM User Forum

Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the IECM? Is there a screen that needs clarification, or a missing feature that would help you? Let us know what you think!

Shisir Acharya

Aug 22, 2019, 3:41:24 PM8/22/19
to IECM User Forum

I am an graduate researcher at University of New Orleans trying to use IECM to study Coal Based Powerplants and compare it with NGCC plants. My goal is to find out ways to reduce the emission of PC powerplants. In doing so I have used available configuration of the various emissions control systems. My question is if we wanted to use more than one of the same system, for example 5 scrubbers, or something similar to it, how would we implement that if the setting is not available in the configuration?

Thank you.

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Oct 29, 2019, 3:16:11 PM10/29/19

Sorry for the delayed response - we've been swamped.

There is a section in the FAQ that addresses the general issue of adding devices that we don't provide ( Basically, you modify an existing device to simulate what you're interested in.

I will check with the other team members and see if anybody has any additional suggestions for your specific case.

UPDATE: No additional suggestions, the FAQ covers it.

Ronald Ssebadduka

Oct 27, 2023, 12:01:06 PM10/27/23
to IECM User Forum
Dear all,
 Just asking, where was this link"" moved to?

Is there a new one?

Best wishes,

Ronald. Ssebadduka

Karen Kietzke, Programmer, IECM

Oct 27, 2023, 12:29:37 PM10/27/23
to IECM User Forum
Yes, we have moved to the University of Wyoming. (It was announced here.) Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way for me to edit my previous post to update the URL.

The FAQ is still available on our website <>. There isn't a way to link to the specific question at the moment, but it's near the end.

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