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any body know where can I find the CO2 equivalent in this software?

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Manh Loc Phan

Mar 23, 2020, 9:56:06 AM3/23/20
to IECM User Forum
I'm a new user so I dont really know how to use this software yet. So anyone can tell me where can I find the CO2 equivalent in this software?

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Mar 23, 2020, 5:27:52 PM3/23/20
to IECM User Forum
The IECM does not calculate the CO2 equivalent. However, CO2 is the only major greenhouse gas emission in the IECM, so the values for CO2 emitted are essentially the same as CO2 equivalent.

Manh Loc Phan

Mar 27, 2020, 7:04:16 AM3/27/20
to IECM User Forum
Thanks so much to answer my question.
Could I ask one more question about IECM?

Could you please explain to me why I need to keep the same coal flow rate of retrofitting stations with the original station when I retrofit it?

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Apr 2, 2020, 5:49:46 PM4/2/20
to IECM User Forum
The coal flow rate is essentially a measure of physical plant size. Most CO2 capture systems in the IECM use steam from the steam cycle, which would normally cause the gross electrical output for a given coal flow rate to drop. However, the IECM tries to maintain that value and adjusts the coal flow rate to compensate. This is appropriate for a new plant, but in the case of a retrofit, the physical plant size does not change, and thus the coal flow rate needs to remain the same.

Manh Loc Phan

Apr 3, 2020, 7:51:27 AM4/3/20
to IECM User Forum
Thank you so much!
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