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Fuel cost in IECM

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Fan Chen

Jun 29, 2024, 2:48:48 AM6/29/24
to IECM User Forum
Thank you for your reply, it has dispelled my confusion. Meanwhile, I have another confusion and hope to receive your professional answer.
Does IECM reflect the overall fuel cost of a power plant by allocating its fuel costs to the O&M costs of its components.
According to the definition of LCOE, to calculate the LCOE value of a power plant, it is necessary to understand the overall capital cost, O&M cost, and fuel cost of the power plant, while the Get RESULTS module of the IECM model does not display the overall fuel cost of the power plant. By changing the Total Delivered Cost of fuel in the SET PARAMETRS module, I found that the overall O&M cost of the power plant also changes (the O&M cost of different components also changes). Therefore, I want to determine whether the IECM model has allocated the fuel cost of the power plant to the O&M cost. If that's the case, do I only need to consider the capital cost and O&M cost information provided in IECM when calculating the LCOE of the power plant? If it's not as I understand it, what should it be like?
Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

Karen Kietzke, Programmer, IECM

Jul 2, 2024, 11:52:07 AM7/2/24
to IECM User Forum
Fuel costs are assigned to the component consuming the fuel.

One of our tutorial videos, 9. The Levelized Cost of Electricity Generation (20MB), gives details on how the LCOE is calculated in the IECM. We recommend watching that video.

Fan Chen

Jul 12, 2024, 11:10:59 AM7/12/24
to IECM User Forum
Hello, Karen Kietzke
I want to know how the net plant efficiency in IECM is calculated. In Get results ->Overall palm ->plant performance, only the energy input information of the power plant is displayed, without corresponding energy output data. Therefore, I would like to know how the net power plant efficiency is calculated? That is 39.22% in the following figure.
Look forward to your reply

Karen Kietzke, Programmer, IECM

Jul 29, 2024, 12:41:50 PM7/29/24
to IECM User Forum

The energy output is the first value in the left table and the last value on the right table, Net Electrical Output. If you're having trouble with unit conversions, seems to be a good resource; a search for "MW to GJ/hr" will give you what you need in this case. Most search engines will also give you the appropriate conversion factor with a search of the form "convert X to Y".

There is a bug in version 11.5 which is evident on this screen: if you configure an oxyfuel plant and then remove it, Aux Power continues to be displayed. This will be fixed in the next release.

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