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Caleb Durgin

Feb 25, 2022, 5:19:04 PM2/25/22
to IECM User Forum
I am enrolled in a course that requires the IECM program, Haibo Zhai is my professor. I do my school work on a MacBook Pro and when I selected the Mac installer my computer told me it was not compatible with my computers software. My professor told me I could get some help in this forum. Thank you for any help in advance. 

Caleb Durgin

Karen Kietzke, Research Programmer, IECM, CMU

Mar 2, 2022, 2:57:38 PM3/2/22
to IECM User Forum
The IECM requires Wine or Crossover on the Mac - it doesn't run natively. You can find installation instructions in the User Manual or the Readme file, both of which are available on the download page <>.
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