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Selectivizr causing Modernizr 2.5.3 (with html5shiv v3.4 including printshiv) not to print HTML5 elements in IE7/8

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Mar 9, 2012, 9:09:50 AM3/9/12
to selectivizr,
I've got a site where it's really important that users are able to
print news and articles in IE8. I've been using the 320andup
Boilerplate approach. Since upgrading to the new version of modernizr
however the Print Preview in IE7/8 has stopped working.

I believe I finally tracked the problem down as to why the print
preview isn't working properly in IE7/8.

The new version of modernizr 2.5.3 has an opt-in to include the
html5shiv v3.4 including printshiv

The printshiv 3.4 used to be known as the Internet Explorer Print
Protector. It is a fix to enable the @media print CSS to recognise
HTML5 elements also. (i.e. when you print you can style new HTML5
elements such as nav and section).

modernizr 2.5.3 and selectivizr 1.0.2 however cause the printshiv code
not to work.

This can be remedied by removing selectivizr 1.0.2 or reverting
modernizr back to an earlier version. I've just tried v2.0.6 of
modernizr which works.

So my question, is anyone else having this problem? Is there any way I
can keep the latest version of modernizr or am I doomed to stay on
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