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selectivzr doesn't load properly

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Ralph Echter

Mar 18, 2012, 8:31:44 PM3/18/12

Working on a redesign and I've used selectivzr before without a problem, but this time selectivzr doesn't work properly. I'm testing in IE8 on VMWare Fusion.

Please note there is still a lot more going wrong on the page in IE8... that's for later :) but for now if you click on the button 'see some work' you will get at a section where I've used :nth-child(2) to space out the images in the slider.

Looking in IE developer tools, I see that selectivzr does add it's classes to the HTML in the body, but it doesn't alter my stylesheet. I can compare with the other redesign where it does work, so I can see what is missing.
This for instance I see on the other page: <style type="text/css" addedWithCssHelper="true" parsingDisallowed="true">CSS Stylesheet</style> (a couple more like this) which I think belong to selectivzr if I'm right. But these style tags I don't see on the not working page.

I did a test where I stripped everything out to rule out any conflict with other scripts I'm using, but in the end I only had domAssistant and selectivzr as scripts on the page, but still no selectivzr magic.

Anyone any idea what's causing this?

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