Translating printf example from Cayenne

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Jean-Laurent Huynh

Jul 31, 2013, 2:44:07 AM7/31/13
Hi All,

I just started with Idris and I wanted to translate the printf example from the Cayenne - a language with dependent types paper. I cannot figure out how to get past a unification error. Here is what I have so far:

PrintfType : (List Char) -> Type
PrintfType Nil                = String
PrintfType ('%' :: 'd' :: cs) = Int -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%' :: 's' :: cs) = String -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%' ::  _  :: cs) = PrintfType cs
PrintfType ( _  :: cs)        = PrintfType cs

printf : (fmt: List Char) -> PrintfType fmt
printf fmt = rec fmt "" where
  rec : (f: List Char) -> String -> PrintfType f
  rec Nil acc = acc
  rec ('%' :: 'd' :: cs) acc = \i => rec cs (acc ++ (show i))
  rec ('%' :: 's' :: cs) acc = \s => rec cs (acc ++ s) 
  rec ('%' ::  _  :: cs) acc = rec cs acc  -- this is line 49
  rec ( c  :: cs)        acc = rec cs (acc ++ (pack [c]))
and I'm getting the following error:

Type checking ./sprintf.idr
sprintf.idr:49:Can't unify PrintfType (Prelude.List.:: '%' (Prelude.List.:: t cs)) with PrintfType cs

    Can't convert PrintfType (Prelude.List.:: '%' (Prelude.List.:: t cs)) with PrintfType cs
I also asked the question on stackoverflow. I tried to use the with construct without success. I have the feeling that the compiler does not like the overlapping patterns but I don't know. And if that's the case, I don't know how to solve it (I want to match everything except '%'). How can I solve this issue?


Benjamin Saunders

Jul 31, 2013, 3:29:46 AM7/31/13
I think this is caused by Idris not being smart enough to infer that the _ on line 49 cannot be 'd' or 's' and/or apply that knowledge to normalizing PrintfType fmt. Support for this would certainly be nice to have.


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