product is not mandatory for invoice pricelist

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Jul 10, 2017, 4:02:22 PM7/10/17
to iDempiere

on sales and purchase orders product must be on pricelist otherwise line can't be saved. 
this is not true for invoices. invoice based on my tests has another behaviour - product is not mandatory on invoice pricelist.
In my opinion same behaviour for order and invoices would be better.

wdyt is this bug or feature ?


Marco Longo

Jul 11, 2017, 4:51:33 AM7/11/17
to iDempiere
Hi Norbert ,

we make an extension to manage in this way :

a) standard way (pricelist is mandatory ) 
b) price list is set to zero (on the fly )  
c) price entered in the PO is set as Price List if not found  (on the fly ) 

on the BP you have a flag is the Vendor follow these rules or must follow the standard

This is usefull on PO but it works also on SO.

Now we are extending the replenish report . We would like to  creating PO order also if the price is not set (now get an error ) . 
Many times you set the default  Vendor  but you don't have the price at that moment .  Now You could send the PO without price in draft as a "RFO"   and get the last price from the vendor .. you fill the Po and set the price list..etc


Jul 11, 2017, 5:27:14 AM7/11/17
to iDempiere
thanks for sharing. we are making strategy here well, however still interesting in my original question - if anybody know the answer.

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