Info Window with multiple tables

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Tomáš Švikruha

May 27, 2014, 6:13:07 AM5/27/14


we want to create an info window for multiple document lines (shipment lines, order lines, invoice lines etc.). From this info window we want to run process for creating expense reports where each line will be referenced to the selected document line.

In fired process we can retrieve selected lines from t_selection, but the problem is that we are not able to decide to which table selected record belongs (if it is shipment line, invoice line, etc.).I think that with actual possibilities of info window we can't achieve this, because we can retrieve only record id which is not unique in this case. Ideal solution will be to retrieve all informations from selected rows in fired process.

As a solution we suggest to extend t_selection by universal columns e.g. col1, col2, colN (e.g. 10) where we will be stored other columns of selected rows from info window. Maybe columns with isIdentifier='Y' could be stored in t_selection (what is a goal of field Identifier in info window field?). Then we can create database view where will be one column with Table ID and use this column in info window and process.

Next extensions could be storing Info Window table ID in variable m_Table_ID and new variable m_InfoWindow_ID in ProcessInfo class. 

Sorry about my english, if you don't understand or have any questions feel free ask :)

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Hiep Lq

May 27, 2014, 8:30:12 AM5/27/14

Hi Tomas.
I know your requirement as below

1. you make some infoWindow (one for shipment, one for order, one for invoice)
2. you have a process work with three infoWindow
=> when process run, you want know id of selected row and table of infoWindow
it's correct?

If correct, To resolve your issue. 
I think have simple solution is: set table_id of current infoWindow to ProcessInfo

Tomáš Švikruha

May 27, 2014, 8:35:24 AM5/27/14

thanks for reply. But we want to have all tables (inoutline, invoiceline, orderline..) in one info window. That is the problem :(
Ideal solution could be sent from info window to process more columns, for example columns of info window which are marked as identifiers.

Hiep Lq

May 27, 2014, 10:34:43 AM5/27/14

In chat i know Tomas issue. want document it and hunt idea.

** Tomas do:
1. make new view to union some table (inoutline, invoiceline, orderline..)
2. make infowindow to show this view.
so, id column is not unique

** my idea is: make a unique column in new view. this column is int to can is key.
       way1: unique column = row_key || table_id (string concat)
                                          after that hash this string to int
       way2: make a sequence cal seq
                 in each table, make a column, column is get value from seq

** isIdentifier as code tell, it is for make query

redhuan d. oon

May 28, 2014, 6:45:39 PM5/28/14
This sounds like a nice requirement! I wonder if it is possible to just use the UUID and a 'PO intanceof' value from any of the three tables? I think the question is to know which DocType or model (InOutLine, InvoiceLine, OrderLine) it is? If so, i think maybe find a script to pull out the AD_Table.Name which describes which model or PO instanceof it belongs to.

Tomáš Švikruha

May 29, 2014, 4:29:25 AM5/29/14
Redhuan i thin UUID is not possible to use because it is type of character varying, and ID in T_instance is type of numeric...or little modify t_instance table and add column UUID and in info window has to be filled uuid and record_id in t_instance....then it will be possible..theoretically :))
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