Unable to Uninstall Plugin

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Nishant Goswami

Oct 15, 2016, 2:12:03 AM10/15/16
to iDempiere
Hello Group,

 I am facing issues with Felix console and install/uninstall plugins. I have created my own plugin and install it using Felix web console. It is working very well. Now for some reason, I want to uninstall them. So, I logged in Felix web console. I uninstall them successfully by deleting them. But Now when I log in iDempiere again , the plugin I just removed it is still there. Besides, I tried same with libero manufacturing plugin. I installed it and when I remove it, it still persists. In both the cases, I am getting successful uninstall messages on running server.

Please Guide me with this issue. 

Antoni Ten Monrós

Oct 17, 2016, 2:39:05 AM10/17/16
to iDempiere
AFAIK, uninstalling a plugin does not remove the pack-in, and so does not undo the database changes. I know of no way to actually remove the database changes a pluggin has introduced, at best you can hide them.

redhuan d. oon

Oct 21, 2016, 3:34:29 AM10/21/16
to iDempiere
Yes as Antoni said, you can hide them. Actually in normal iDempiere, many Libero items do exist but are hidden. The Libero plugin just activate them.
To hide them back login to SystemAdmin and call up the Menu window, then click at the Libero menu item, and uncheck the IsActive box then Save.

Nishant Goswami

Oct 21, 2016, 5:23:50 AM10/21/16
to iDempiere
Thank you Antoni and Red1.

Nishant Goswami

Oct 22, 2016, 2:20:44 AM10/22/16
to iDempiere

When I hide parent menu, it does not hide all the submenu item of main menu. instead it just opens up all the submenu  item as main menu. So, I guess , I need to hide all menu and submenu. or is there any other way?

redhuan d. oon

Oct 23, 2016, 12:29:42 AM10/23/16
to iDempiere
Yes, and i agree it needs another way (or maybe a parent menu item corelation 'bug' question). This is a TODO task into creating an auto plugin uninstaller which automatically search the AD menu that is marked as same reference as the plugin and check them to be IsActive = false and mark the Package Installed as off (this can be manual option during uninstall). Likewise the installer can check back IsActive = true or repack in the 2Pack .
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