Functional Training videos in english???

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Feb 27, 2016, 4:37:56 AM2/27/16
to iDempiere
Hi Guys why there is no Functional Training videos in English... and off course with out paying for it ,?? ... even SAP partners have posted completely free functional training videos online ...

redhuan d. oon

Feb 27, 2016, 5:01:59 AM2/27/16
to iDempiere
Do you have links of those free SAP videos? I am considering to learn more about SAP for comparision.

redhuan d. oon

Feb 27, 2016, 2:37:19 PM2/27/16
to iDempiere
Visionvox has emailed me privately a link to SAP tutorials that could play well without registration or payment and they are very good. Much appreciated. However I would like Visionvox to post here the link, otherwise it defeats the argument that SAP tutorials are really free for anyone.

Anyway here is my reply to him i copy from my email:

Thanks alot!, I am already enjoying watching them and got the idea of how to make such videos now - make them more down to earth basics and slowly. I realised I been doing a bit too high level ones. As you probably can see from mine at under the movies folders as well as my youtube I welcome if you give your review of them so i know what i often miss when making them.

Feb 28, 2016, 8:38:53 AM2/28/16
to iDempiere
Under 'free' principle.,any one can explore it.

redhuan d. oon

Feb 28, 2016, 12:44:16 PM2/28/16
to iDempiere
Noted it is free knowledge as in Information is Free, but to remind that the SAP code is not free as in accessibility to its sourcecode which is all the difference too. Nevertheless, I thank you so much for giving this link as I been looking through and noticed that Libero Mfg and WMS takes a lot from this and even noted missing gaps by comparison. I am also taking pointers for CRM which i am doing next. :)
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