Eclipse installation of the current repository of iDempiere

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Feb 12, 2016, 3:07:11 PM2/12/16
to iDempiere
Hi all,

First of all, I apologize if I commit any mistake while writing this post because of my lack of Enlish.

I'm trying to install and run iDempiere's swing version on my laptop for the second time. I'm running windows 7 with Eclipse Luna (as seen in

I've followed every step until this wiki (included), but, after closing Eclipse and making a backup of the workspace, many errors have appeared in my Markers view (see attachment iDempiere 1). Also, when I try to run the Run Configuration (never done it before), I get many errors (as seen in the attachment iDempiere 2).

After reading many posts and wikis and watching many youtube tutorials, I executed the copyjars.xml files with Ant, and it solved many errors, but many still remain there.

Can anyone give me any clue of which step have I missed?

Thanks a lot.

José Javier
iDempiere 1.PNG
iDempiere 2.PNG

Carlos Collazos

Feb 12, 2016, 3:28:30 PM2/12/16
It is hard to say with the images above where the process went wrong. I do not use windows but assuming idempiere builds correctly in windows (maybe someone could corroborate) you could try the following steps from the wiki:

"...At this point is possible that eclipse shows errors in several projects because the zk libraries are not present, to solve this:

  • navigate to org.zkoss.zk.library/copyjars.xml
  • Right click > Run as > Ant build
  • after the libraries are downloaded you can also download the sources repeating the same steps on the file copysources.xml
  • Refresh your project and the errors must be gone......"

My guess is that the jars did not finish downloading so the above steps should fix it.

If this fails you should clean your eclipse workspace and try it again but this time write down any error from the process to diagnose better.


Carlos Collazos

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Hiep Lq

Feb 12, 2016, 7:33:01 PM2/12/16
to Mohemmed Bilal Ilyas
i guess you not yet run build all.

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Feb 14, 2016, 12:49:57 PM2/14/16
to iDempiere
Thanks a lot to both of you, Carlos and Hiep Lq.

Thanks to both of your answers and to a previous given answer, finally I could solve that error. These are the steps that I've followed (I'm not sure if this was the proper order):

  • Run copyjars.xml.
  • Change the run configuration as Hiep Lq explained here.
  • Download the Java JRE 1.7 (I've been using 1.8 and it was causing a "Java Check" window to display).
  • Clean the entire workspace and build it again.
Again, thanks a lot. Regards,

José Javier
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