Complete Production while having 0 qty Product

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Oct 29, 2019, 5:08:49 AM10/29/19
to iDempiere
Dear All, 

Our company has these business process:
  1. Accept a certain amount of INK from the supplier, either the supplier is sending them with Delivery Order nor the company do any Material Receipt.
  2. INK is used in printing process. Data is inserted to the Production Window.
  3. After the printing is DONE, then our company send the amount of used INK to the supplier.
  4. After that, the supplier will send us the Delivery Order based on the amount of used INK and then invoice our company based on that used amount of INK.
Is anyone here ever face the same company with similar business process to mine? If yes, please share your solution, I would highly appreciate it. 

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Oct 29, 2019, 7:25:16 AM10/29/19
Hi, just curious, what happens with the remaining ink?   Is it returned to the supplier?  Is it disposed?

In my mind it doesn't sound to hard to model it as a normal process:
- you do a material receipt
- you consume part of the inventory in a production order
- and then you return the non-consumed material


Carlos Ruiz

Am 29.10.19 um 10:08 schrieb Good_Guy:
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