Customized report for Sales Order - which views to use

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Stanislav Karakhanov

Sep 20, 2014, 6:00:13 PM9/20/14
Hello, Everybody!
I'm now trying to make my own print report for Sales Order.
I have JasperReports installed and working, I managed to make a simple report with subreport, all working OK (thanks go to the developers!).

Now I'm trying to make a real report with all the necessary data  and I'm a bit confused in regard of what views I should use for this.
Of course I can eventually do the job by writing queries from scratch, joining all necessary tables (and getting into some details.
It seems to be possible with the help of documentation on

BUT I'm trying to avoid reinventing the wheel. Obviously, the needed queries do exist somewhere already. So can anybody please point me to where can I find them? Specifically, right now I need a query for displaying Sales Order and its lines.
Please feel free also to refer me to some appropriate docs.

Thanks in advance, regards
Stanislav Karakhanov

Anozi Mada

Sep 22, 2014, 5:00:03 AM9/22/14
If you just want to displays order and its lines there's already Order Detail Report for you. It's DIY report based on RV_OrderDetail view, so if you still want to create a jasper report you might want to use that view.

Anozi Mada

Stanislav Karakhanov

Sep 29, 2014, 10:08:56 AM9/29/14
Thank you, Anozi !
Sorry for delay...
I'll try to explain my needs because maybe my approach for the task is not optimal.
My client has some special requirements for the Print Form of Sales Order.
For instance, 1) some lines (that are Products/services) should include the name of a customer.
2) The Print Form should be repeated twice on an A4 page with almost the same content. Later they tear the sheet apart and give one part to the customer and leave the other one for themselves.
3) There are some other complications regarding the name of the Product in Print Form.

Some time ago I've already been playing with reports by means of built-in functionality in iDempiere and it seemed a bit insuffiient for such tasks.
So, what do you think, am I on the right way trying to master JasperReports?
Or maybe I'm missing something in the product design?

Thanks again for your responce!
Stanislav Karakhanov

понедельник, 22 сентября 2014 г., 13:00:03 UTC+4 пользователь Anozi Mada написал:

Anozi Mada

Sep 30, 2014, 1:10:38 AM9/30/14
I think you should use jasper report. I also always use jasper report for print format because for me it's easier to layout and can fulfill non standard requirements.
You can use view RV_OrderDetail as the base but I think you still need to joining the necessary tables.

I don't know if you have figured out to repeat the print format in jasper but I usually resolved it by creating jasper as a wrapper that call jasper subreport (the actual print format) twice.

Anozi Mada
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