Release 4.1

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Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez

Oct 31, 2016, 2:47:09 PM10/31/16
to iDempiere
Hi community, another halloween, another release  :-)

I'm glad to announce release v4.1 of iDempiere project.

The installers have been uploaded to sourceforge at this link:

As usual this version is going to be maintained for one year (meaning bug fixing and also some prominent non-disruptive features can be added to this version), and maintenance of 3.1 is being stopped.


Carlos Ruiz

Alejandro Guerra

Oct 31, 2016, 3:45:08 PM10/31/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos, Great news And thank you all for the effort !!!

Taher Elhossin

Oct 31, 2016, 5:08:24 PM10/31/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos, Many thanks for your effor
But where we can read  the new features ??

Nov 2, 2016, 4:38:54 AM11/2/16
to iDempiere
Great news Thanks Carlos!!

Gaurav Sontakke

Nov 2, 2016, 6:14:13 AM11/2/16
to iDempiere
Hi , 

Great news. Thanks for your efforts. 

What are the improvements 4.1 has over 3.1 ?  How can I find this ?

Thank you  again.

Antoni Ten Monrós

Nov 3, 2016, 7:15:20 AM11/3/16
to iDempiere
On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 7:47:09 PM UTC+1, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez wrote:
Hi community, another halloween, another release  :-)

Thanks Carlos 

I'm glad to announce release v4.1 of iDempiere project.

Nice, awaiting changelog
The installers have been uploaded to sourceforge at this link:

As usual this version is going to be maintained for one year (meaning bug fixing and also some prominent non-disruptive features can be added to this version), and maintenance of 3.1 is being stopped.


Carlos Ruiz

I try to build from source using the updated instructions (made a VM for this, with ubuntu 16.04, redownloaded the whole repo, and rematerialized it, as I was getting issues with my existing dev environment) and I'm getting lots of errors about missing libraries. I'm pretty sure I forgot something along the way, anyone has any idea of what's happening?


Nov 3, 2016, 1:22:55 PM11/3/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos, thank you for your effort.

Nov 4, 2016, 2:52:05 AM11/4/16
to iDempiere
Hi Gaurav,
I did a bitbucket-compare and diff between 4.1 in my local repo (based on 3.1) to get an idea of all the changes. Lots of changes appear to be library-related.
In addition to that, from the updated installation documents I see that the entire technology stack gets a really nice upgrade: Ubuntu 16.04, Java 1.8, Pgres 9.4.10, Eclipse Neon vs. Luna etc.


Gaurav Sontakke

Nov 6, 2016, 7:59:39 AM11/6/16
to iDempiere
Hi Michael ,

Thank you very much. I will do the same.
Message has been deleted

Shanil Fernando

Nov 6, 2016, 8:37:16 AM11/6/16
to iDempiere
I'm facing the missing jar files problem too, and I tried to manually run copyjars.xml in Ant. but I get the following error.

org.adempiere.base/copyjars.xml:3: no protocol: ${url.maven2.lib}/maven2/org/apache-extras/beanshell/bsh/2.0b6/bsh-2.0b6.jar

Does anyone has an idea how to solve this?

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 6, 2016, 8:49:51 AM11/6/16
Hi Shanil, within Eclipse:
Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties > Add Files
org.adempiere.sdk.feature >

Then the copyjars.xml will work fine.


Carlos Ruiz

El 06/11/16 a las 14:37, Shanil Fernando escribió:

Magno Loran AG

Nov 6, 2016, 9:33:18 AM11/6/16
to iDempiere
Hello everyone.
I'm in trouble in the plugin "org.motbay.jasper.apache-jsp" (Missing Constraint: Require-Capability: osgi.serviceloader; filter = "(osgi.serviceloader org.apache.juli.logging.Log =)"
when running idempiere 4.1

someone has gone through this problem?

Flemming Birch

Nov 6, 2016, 1:50:03 PM11/6/16
I have the same issue! I have not figured out how to solve it yet!

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Deepak Pansheriya (

Nov 7, 2016, 12:43:22 AM11/7/16
to iDempiere

Many Thanks for your effort. 

Shanil Fernando

Nov 7, 2016, 1:13:23 AM11/7/16
to iDempiere
That works and now I can build idempiere. Thank you very much Carlos Ruiz for all your effort.

I suggest to add your solution at the end of the “Setting up Eclipse” in the wiki as follows for future reference.

If you get errors as “ Project '*' is missing required library: '*' ”, please follow the following steps.

1) Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties > Add Files org.adempiere.sdk.feature >

2) In the projects which are missing required libraries,
     Right click copyjars.xml > Run As > 1. Ant Build

3) Refresh all projects

4) Project > Build All

Antoni Ten Monrós

Nov 7, 2016, 11:32:41 AM11/7/16
to iDempiere
On Monday, November 7, 2016 at 7:13:23 AM UTC+1, Shanil Fernando wrote:
That works and now I can build idempiere. Thank you very much Carlos Ruiz for all your effort.

I suggest to add your solution at the end of the “Setting up Eclipse” in the wiki as follows for future reference.

If you get errors as “ Project '*' is missing required library: '*' ”, please follow the following steps.

1) Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties > Add Files org.adempiere.sdk.feature >

2) In the projects which are missing required libraries,
     Right click copyjars.xml > Run As > 1. Ant Build

3) Refresh all projects

4) Project > Build All

After a while wrestling Eclipse (as usual with every update) I found out that it no longer auto-rereshes (I think earlier versions autp-refreshed for a while). Most of the time, the jars are there, but not every closing and reopening the IDE would make them appear. You need to actually open the project and hit F5 or use the refresh option in the file menu to make them appear.

after that, I was able to get most of the missing libraries to work. The exception was /org.idempiere.fitnesse.server/lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar, as it seems the project was looking for v2.35. Also, I have a couple errors I don't really understand yet:

No available bundle exports package 'net.sf.cglib.asm.signature' in /org.zkoss.zk.library/META-INF
No available bundle exports package 'org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v4' in /org.zkoss.zk.library/META-INF

However, I must say that I downloaded and materialized idempiere at least 4 times and each time I had different errors...

Shanil Fernando

Nov 8, 2016, 12:06:48 AM11/8/16
to iDempiere

Yes you are correct, in my last attempt I select all the projects in the Project Explorer and manually refreshed by pressing F5. This solved dependency problem too. But again, manually running copyjars.xml(s) will ensure all the dependencies are downloaded correctly. and it is only have to be done once. I suggest you to try manually running the copyjars.xml(s).

Hiep Lq

Nov 8, 2016, 1:11:14 AM11/8/16
to Mohemmed Bilal Ilyas
bug relate org.motbay.jasper.apache-jsp is resolved here

i never have to manual run copyjar.xml, i use linux mint and eclipse luna also neon.
sometime have manual refresh, but not much.

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Nov 8, 2016, 10:06:44 PM11/8/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

Under my new 4.1 development environment, I imported a project with your LCO source into Eclipse. 
When trying to export a feature project to generate a plug-in, the following error message is issued an no JAR files are generated:
A cycle was detected when generating the classpath org.globalqss.idempiere.LCO.withholdings_3.1.1.201611090958, org.adempiere.base_4.1.0.201611090958, com.itextpdf_5.5.10, org.adempiere.base_4.1.0.201611090958.

I followed the exact same procedure as before, which is described here: 

Can you please have a look?


Shanil Fernando

Nov 9, 2016, 1:46:06 AM11/9/16
to iDempiere

I faced the same problem one week ago with iDempiere 3.1 with Eclipse Luna. I was able to build and run idempiere for long time without any problems, but out of nowhere, one week ago I got this error “A cycle was detected…..” when building iDempiere 3.1. I was able to build idempiere by setting “Circular dependencies” to “Warning” (Window > preferences > Java > Compiler > Building > Build path problems) in the Eclipse preferences. But again I couldn’t export plugins because of this error.

I tried cleaning the workspace, Re-materializing, installing Eclipse(Luna) again etc. but I couldn’t solve it.

But Then idempiere 4.1 came out and I could export same plugin without any errors in new workspace(Eclipse Neon). I’m not sure what causes this problem.

It is neither a problem with the your plugin nor wiki instructions.

I was able to solve this problem after idempiere 4.1 with Eclipse Neon. I’m not sure whether will it happened again or not.



Michael Powacht

Nov 9, 2016, 4:51:45 AM11/9/16
Thanks for sharing Shanil.

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Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 9, 2016, 2:17:50 PM11/9/16
Michael, I just updated LCO to 4.1 two days ago.


Carlos Ruiz

El 09/11/16 a las 10:51, Michael Powacht escribió:

Michael Powacht

Nov 9, 2016, 7:51:05 PM11/9/16
Thanks Carlos, I'll have a look.

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Nov 10, 2016, 3:23:49 AM11/10/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos

Thank you so much for all your hard work with the 4.1 release!!!

I am facing an issue with the Swing-Client v4.1.

We migrated the server and all workstations to release 4.1
The server is running fine, however, the Swing-Client on the workstations for the end users fails to launch.

I get the following errors when I try to run the client:

MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.adempiere.base.callout
.....Bundle was not resolved because of a uses contraint violation.......

All the workstations have the following platform:
OS: Debian 8 "Jessie"
Java: Java-8-openjdk

I have attached the error log as well.



Nov 11, 2016, 2:55:39 AM11/11/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

I pulled in your latest updates into my development environment, but when creating a feature project to export the plug-in, I still get error message:
A cycle was detected when generating the classpath org.globalqss.idempiere.LCO.withholdings_4.1.0.201611111451, org.adempiere.base_4.1.0.201611111451, com.itextpdf_5.5.10, org.adempiere.base_4.1.0.201611111451.

In Eclipse feature export, I set checkbox "Allow for binary cycles in target platform" and then the export succeeds. 
However, this step was not required with past versions of the LCO.


Ruud Griepsma

Nov 14, 2016, 12:13:22 AM11/14/16
to iDempiere
I tried to update our previously working iDempiere 3.1 Jenkins server to use iDemiere 4.1, but the materialization/build fails, starting with this error:

ERROR   [0017] : No suitable provider for component org.adempiere.base:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap

After this there are many similar errors which seem to be related to this one but for different packages and eventually the build fails. Materializing/building from exactly the same source tree in Eclipse works fine, and it seems the (AWS hosted) Jenkins server can access the Maven and Sourceforge sites without problems. Setting debug logs on in Jenkins also does not provide any meaningful extra feedback. Anyone else ran into this problem and knows how to fix it?


Nov 14, 2016, 12:33:10 AM11/14/16
to iDempiere

Martin Schönbeck

Nov 19, 2016, 9:52:01 AM11/19/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

many thanks for your effort.

But after all I've one problem left. When trying to run server or client I get (for several modules)

!ENTRY org.adempiere.base.callout 4 0 2016-11-19 15:45:52.371
!MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.adempiere.base.callout [12]
  Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.adempiere.base; bundle-version="0.0.0"
    -> Bundle-SymbolicName: org.adempiere.base; bundle-version="4.1.0.qualifier"; singleton:="true"
       org.adempiere.base [11]
         Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.passay; bundle-version="0.0.0"

I tried to add passay to the copyjars.xml of adempiere.base, but that wasn't the solution. Probably you have an idea


Sergio Ramazzina

Nov 21, 2016, 8:42:03 AM11/21/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

firstly thanks for your efforts, no problem at all while building the new release by following your suggestions.  Just a question. I saw there are no migration scripts for this release. Is that because there are no changes in the datamodel/data dictionary for this new release? Does this means there is not database upgrade needed in case I wanted to upgrade an iDempiere 3.1 system to 4.1?

Thanks a lot for your answer


Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 21, 2016, 10:26:37 AM11/21/16
Martin, the passay issue must be solved if you use one of the Daily

In eclipse is also seen, you would need to update the sources and


Carlos Ruiz

El 19/11/16 a las 15:52, Martin Schönbeck escribió:

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 21, 2016, 10:27:45 AM11/21/16
Hi Sergio, you need to apply migration scripts depending from the
version you come.

If you come from 3.1 version, then you must apply all the scripts in
i3.1 and i3.1z folders.


Carlos Ruiz

El 21/11/16 a las 14:42, Sergio Ramazzina escribió:

Sergio Ramazzina

Nov 22, 2016, 5:22:18 AM11/22/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

thanks for your kind answer. Just a last question for my understanding: what's the difference between i3.1 to i3.1z? I mean what the difference between the base release (i3.1 in my mind) and of z version (i3.1z)?

Thanks a lot


Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 22, 2016, 5:36:45 AM11/22/16
The version 3.1 was maintained for 1 year - the commits for this version went into i3.1 folder - the commits for "next version" went into i3.1z.

Now that we are maintaining i4.1 then the same movement is going with i4.1z


Carlos Ruiz

El 22/11/16 a las 11:22, Sergio Ramazzina escribió:

Sergio Ramazzina

Nov 22, 2016, 9:31:14 AM11/22/16
to iDempiere
Thanks for the explanation. Best


Martin Schönbeck

Nov 24, 2016, 4:07:38 AM11/24/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos

could you explain that a bit more? I tried with the last entry in the release 4.1 branch and with the last entry in the development branch, but it made no difference. Perhaps I got you wrong.


Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 24, 2016, 4:21:28 AM11/24/16
Sorry, I misread your error message, I thought you were referring to the already solved org.mortbay.jasper.apache issue.

Haven't seen the issue you refer here.


Carlos Ruiz

El 24/11/16 a las 10:07, Martin Schönbeck escribió:

Saher Edris

Nov 24, 2016, 4:29:43 AM11/24/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

Great news but how about the source files ? When could they be accessed ?


Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 24, 2016, 4:34:10 AM11/24/16
Please check:


Carlos Ruiz

El 24/11/16 a las 10:29, Saher Edris escribió:

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez

Nov 24, 2016, 3:09:19 PM11/24/16
to iDempiere
Martin, now I understand, you were trying to execute swing client - maybe years that I didn't open the swing client here - and probably nobody is using it - or very little use.

Anyways, I hope I solved your issue here:


Carlos Ruiz

Martin Schönbeck

Nov 25, 2016, 4:41:10 AM11/25/16
to iDempiere
Oops. We don't use the swing client any longer, too. But I thought it was the easiest way to check the development environment to have a look at the login window. Ok, now after additionally changing 1.6.0 in to 1.8.0 I saw the login window and so my environment is up and running.


Saher Edris

Nov 25, 2016, 5:33:00 AM11/25/16
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,

After downloading idempiere 4.1 source code from the link provided by you and after several attempts, i could not materialize it successfully getting the following errors :

ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in searchPath modify-bundle

    ERROR   [0005] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.modify.bundle}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere_4.1/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

Attempt to use an unresolved node. Request is zk:osgi.bundle

I appreciate all the help from the group.

My configuration :

MacBook pro OSX 10.12.1 Seirra
idempiere 4.1
JDK 1.8_45
Eclipse neon & Luna
postgres 9.4
all migration scripts are updated .


Martin Schönbeck

Nov 25, 2016, 5:44:01 AM11/25/16
to iDempiere

did you follow espially setting
Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties > Add Files org.adempiere.sdk.feature >


Saher Edris

Nov 25, 2016, 5:52:51 AM11/25/16
to iDempiere
Hi Martin,

Precisely  i applied the steps on both Neon & Luna with same results


Ahmed Elemam

Nov 26, 2016, 6:19:11 AM11/26/16
to iDempiere

Hi Carlos 
I am trying to get find Adempiere_pg.jar / Adempiere_pg84.jar under old.adempiere.server-feature/data/seed 
i can't found them , it seem missing in this release or moved to another work around ?

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 26, 2016, 4:17:09 PM11/26/16
Please check my answer here:


Carlos Ruiz

El 26/11/16 a las 12:19, Ahmed Elemam escribió:

Saher Edris

Nov 27, 2016, 1:14:03 AM11/27/16
to iDempiere
Hi everyone,

Could anyone assist me in this problem, i did lots of research with no clue, could use all the help.


On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 9:47:09 PM UTC+3, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez wrote:
Hi community, another halloween, another release  :-)

I'm glad to announce release v4.1 of iDempiere project.

The installers have been uploaded to sourceforge at this link:

As usual this version is going to be maintained for one year (meaning bug fixing and also some prominent non-disruptive features can be added to this version), and maintenance of 3.1 is being stopped.


Carlos Ruiz

Rodalyn Camba

Dec 3, 2016, 3:15:46 AM12/3/16
to iDempiere

Anyone having problems with 4.1? Like the server being inaccessible after some time? Or hanging?


Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Dec 3, 2016, 7:44:52 AM12/3/16
What does the server log say?

El 03/12/16 a las 09:15, Rodalyn Camba escribió:

Rodalyn Camba

Dec 3, 2016, 8:52:55 PM12/3/16
to iDempiere
Not much, let me get back to you when it happened again.


Dec 6, 2016, 6:37:10 AM12/6/16
to iDempiere
1 . flow this steps ( for install prerequisite . be acknowledge that Buckminster 4.5 is special MODIFIED version you should add from sourceforge as steps described . 
2 . flow this (  eclipce neon .

jorge ojeda

Dec 24, 2016, 2:43:28 PM12/24/16
to iDempiere

Hola Sr Calos Raíz, me encuentro en apuros. Estoy tratando de materializar iDempiere 4.1 y obtengo el error de la imagen, comprobé la url: y se encuentra arriba, podría por favor Ayudarme.

Tiago Ferreira Ceridorio

Dec 26, 2016, 1:04:52 PM12/26/16
to iDempiere
Hi, I have the same problem, and i can't resolve it.
Any solution?

Tiago Ferreira Ceridorio

Dec 26, 2016, 4:54:50 PM12/26/16
to iDempiere
The same problem, but in diferent perpectives ...

I think will help to solve the issue.
Message has been deleted

Puwadej P.

Jan 29, 2017, 7:39:27 AM1/29/17
to iDempiere
I have faced the same  problem also.

Here is the server log

ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in searchPath modify-bundle
    ERROR   [0005] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.modify.bundle}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0050] : No suitable provider for component joda-time:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0050] : No suitable provider for component joda-time:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath modify-bundle
    ERROR   [0050] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.modify.bundle}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0020] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0020] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found
Attempt to use an unresolved node. Request is zk:osgi.bundle

เมื่อ วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน ค.ศ. 2016 1 นาฬิกา 47 นาที 09 วินาที UTC+7, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez เขียนว่า:

Paulo Afonso Cangussu

Jan 29, 2017, 8:52:27 AM1/29/17


I am glad to see you with the same problem... I am not jealous... It just means that is not a local problem and soon will be sorted out.

I had Eclipse Mars with idempiere 3.1 and tried to migrate to Eclipse Neon and Idempiere 4.1.
I faced the same error msgs ...and messed everything up here trying to figure it out.

The problem started with materializing with buckminster.. soon as i fixed it... I got the same error as yours.

You are not alone... LOL


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Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Jan 30, 2017, 11:59:44 PM1/30/17
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the same problem I found on jenkins, but FWIW let me comment here the problem and the solution:

We were suffering from intermitent builds in jenkins, hard to trace.

Sometimes the build failed because of sourceforge certificates, or lack of synchronization.
Sometimes the same build worked fine after a retry.

So, it seems some sourceforge mirrors are having problems with synchronization and/or with certificates

The solution I found for jenkins and is working fine was to find the closest sourceforge mirror that was working correctly and change the links on the file org.adempiere.sdk-feature/

So, I replaced this string:
with this:

And it worked, of course, replace the [your_closest_mirror_here] with your closest mirror, check if is working, if it doesn't work because of same issues, then replace with your second closest mirror.


Carlos Ruiz

El 29/01/17 a las 05:52, Paulo Afonso Cangussu escribió:


I am glad to see you with the same problem... I am not jealous... It just means that is not a local problem and soon will be sorted out.

I had Eclipse Mars with idempiere 3.1 and tried to migrate to Eclipse Neon and Idempiere 4.1.
I faced the same error msgs ...and messed everything up here trying to figure it out.

The problem started with materializing with buckminster.. soon as i fixed it... I got the same error as yours.

You are not alone... LOL


On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Puwadej P. <> wrote:
I have faced the same  problem also.

Here is the server log

ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in resourceMap file:/home/adempiere/src/idempiere_11598/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in searchPath modify-bundle

Worku Alemu

Feb 9, 2017, 4:43:15 AM2/9/17
to iDempiere
Hi Carlos,
Thank you for the advice.  I am facing similar problem.  I even could not install Buckminster 4.5 from as stated in the tutorial 

I was about to try your advice of using nearest mirror sites. How can I get those mirror sites.  Would you please help me?

Hiep Lq

Feb 9, 2017, 7:11:58 AM2/9/17
to Mohemmed Bilal Ilyas
or you can use rsync to download it to local and install from local 
rsync -avrPq hiepgau, /mnt/data/dev/project/me/repository/stuff/setup.idempiere/localRepository

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Lê Quý Hiệp
Skype: admin.hasuvimex

Company: Thanh Hoa Fishery Import - Export J.s.c  (HasuvimexDL 47
Add: Lot E, Le Mon Industrial Zone, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam

Saher Edris

Mar 29, 2017, 6:49:52 AM3/29/17
to iDempiere
Dear Everyone,

I have been struggling with same issue for a long a time, i tried all the mentioned but problems remains the same.

your  assistance is highly appreciated.

ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in searchPath modify-bundle

    ERROR   [0005] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.modify.bundle}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zjavassist:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zhtml:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zel:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkbind:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zcommon:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zweb:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zul:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   No repository found at

ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/Users/thinkandclick/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap

  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zk:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi

    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

      ERROR   Unable to read repository at

Attempt to use an unresolved node. Request is zk:osgi.bundle



On Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 3:11:58 PM UTC+3, Hiep Lq wrote:
or you can use rsync to download it to local and install from local 
rsync -avrPq hiepgau, /mnt/data/dev/project/me/repository/stuff/setup.idempiere/localRepository
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Worku Alemu <> wrote:
Hi Carlos,
Thank you for the advice.  I am facing similar problem.  I even could not install Buckminster 4.5 from as stated in the tutorial 

I was about to try your advice of using nearest mirror sites. How can I get those mirror sites.  Would you please help me?

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Heng Sin Low

Mar 29, 2017, 8:48:03 AM3/29/17
Have face the same issue recently and have to install from local instead. Will be good if we can move the p2 hosting else where.

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Saher Edris

Mar 29, 2017, 9:14:30 AM3/29/17
to iDempiere
Thank you hengsin indeed for your prompt reply, I would really appreciate it if you explain to me how to do the local one as you mentioned.

Hiep Lq

Mar 29, 2017, 9:38:43 AM3/29/17
to Mohemmed Bilal Ilyas
you can flow this wiki
1. use rsync to get all folder to local 
2. change url on org.adempiere.sdk-feature/

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Saher Edris <> wrote:
Thank you hengsin indeed for your prompt reply, I would really appreciate it if you explain to me how to do the local one as you mentioned.
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Ahmed Elemam

Mar 29, 2017, 9:57:33 AM3/29/17
If your idempiere working directory don't have this directory 

iDempiere / org.adempiere.sdk-feature /

Re-Clone idempiere :) 

Smart e-commerce

Ahmed Elemam / Senior software engineering / +201000292810

Fawry Integrated Systems 
Maadi, Cairo

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Saher Edris

Mar 29, 2017, 10:38:31 AM3/29/17
to iDempiere
My idempiere working directory has this file but still it does not work and it gives the errors sent by me earlier while importing .

Saher Edris

Mar 29, 2017, 10:46:28 AM3/29/17
to iDempiere
Thank you Hiep Lq for your assistance, but i will follow the
Link and try it, hopefully it works.


Andy Conn

Mar 30, 2017, 8:15:28 PM3/30/17
to iDempiere
Hey everybody, I too was encountering this materialization error and I was able to eventually get it to work by using Carlos' suggestion and iterating through all the mirror sites on this site: 

I mirror that worked for me was "cytranet"

Best wishes!

Saher Edris

Apr 7, 2017, 1:57:50 PM4/7/17
to iDempiere
Hi everyone, i re-tried all the mirror sites with no success, i even tried on fresh new machine same thing [same errors] can't materialize, is there any other solution to eliminate this pain ?


Habib Salhi

Apr 7, 2017, 4:36:20 PM4/7/17
to iDempiere
yeah... itll be great if someone can put the whole eclipse ready source on torrent or on some cloud drive

Worku Alemu

Apr 13, 2017, 11:07:53 AM4/13/17
to iDempiere
I face same issue.  I tried all the mirror sites but without success.  Any work around or solution?

Ahmed Elemam

Apr 13, 2017, 11:10:56 AM4/13/17

Smart e-commerce

Ahmed Elemam / Senior software engineering / +201000292810

Fawry Integrated Systems 
Maadi, Cairo

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On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Worku Alemu <> wrote:
I face same issue.  I tried all the mirror sites but without success.  Any work around or solution?

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Saher Edris

Apr 15, 2017, 5:22:00 AM4/15/17
to iDempiere
Hello everyone,

Finally after over than 2 months of trials, i was able to successfully install and materialize idempiere and getting rid of all 

the Errors that used to pop up.

My solution was on a MAC BOOK PRO & X Server, i hope its applicable on all other systems since i think it's some how 

platform independent .

Solution is :

1. Have A VPN installed on your MAC "I'm using HOTSPOT SHIELD".

2. DO NOT ACTIVATE THE VPN YET, Download idempiere using this link

   using Tortoise HG & your BITbucket idempiere account. "DO NOT USE SOURCE TREE".

3. Start your eclipse switch the workspace to where you have your idempiere folder on your MAC hard disk.


5. Have your file in ANT.

6. Set your targetPlatform folder within idempiere folder.

7. Go back to eclipse package explorer and materialize with .adempiere.cquery file.

8. After it finishes all packages of idempiere will pop up in eclipse explorer with [ ! marks and / or x marks ].

9. Start with the packages with [ ! marks ] and run ANT copyjars.xml file in each package that has this mark.

10. After doing step 9. refresh and build project, mark ! will disappear.

11. Continue until the end and CLEAN entire workspace all marks will disappear & you will have a working idempiere 



Saher Edris

Apr 15, 2017, 5:44:12 AM4/15/17
to iDempiere
By the way that wouldn't have be achievable without the efforts of my Ahmed Elmam.

Worku Alemu

Apr 24, 2017, 5:20:45 AM4/24/17
to iDempiere
Hello Saher,
Thank you a million times.  Finally it works for me following your steps.

Saher Edris

Apr 24, 2017, 5:26:08 AM4/24/17
to iDempiere
My Pleasure.

Faheem Raja

Oct 30, 2017, 9:24:24 AM10/30/17
to iDempiere
Dear Community
Facing error to configure source code 4.1 to eclipse neon 3
during Buckminter Component Query process.

error is

ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in resourceMap file:/D:/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-

  ERROR   [0005] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.api:osgi.bundle/[0.0.0,9.3.11) was found in searchPath modify-bundle
    ERROR   [0005] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.modify.bundle}[]): No component match was found
ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in resourceMap file:/D:/idempiere/org.adempiere.sdk-feature/adempiere.rmap
  ERROR   [0019] : No suitable provider for component zkplus:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath zkoss.osgi
    ERROR   [0019] : Rejecting provider p2(${url.zkoss.osgi}[]): No component match was found

Andy Conn

Oct 30, 2017, 4:35:50 PM10/30/17
to iDempiere
Faheem, read back through this thread to find information on adjusting to use an alternative sourceforge mirror. I just recently downloaded and built 4.1 and had to change to

Note: I also had to adjust this line in adempiere.cquery:

    <cq:advisorNode namePattern="^org\.eclipse\.jetty\.osgi-servlet-api$" useTargetPlatform="false" useWorkspace="false" versionOverride="[0.0.0,3.9.9)"/>

Beyond that, there are a couple of project build path dependencies that need to be adjusted - they are fairly obvious.

Faheem Raja

Oct 31, 2017, 9:29:37 AM10/31/17
to iDempiere
thanks Mr Andy Conn for your response
i have updated adempiere.cquery 
but still facing this problem

Andy Conn

Oct 31, 2017, 10:17:58 AM10/31/17
to iDempiere
Did you change the mirror in the Somewhere in this thread is a link to all the mirror options. I had to try each one until I found one that worked for me. You may have to find a different one.

Hiep Lq

Oct 31, 2017, 10:27:34 AM10/31/17
to iDempiere

you should offline all file get from sourceforge

1. offline file from sourceforge
rsync -avrPq hiepgau, /path/to/offline/folder

2. open file

3. modify

(*) change hiepgau by your account

Kevin Thanki

Dec 29, 2017, 6:12:48 AM12/29/17
to iDempiere
I'm trying to setup idempiere 4.1 with following configuration but got no luck and only a bunch of errors. Can you please help me find out what's wrong with the steps I'm following. I'm facing errors right after materialising the project into eclipse.

Eclipse - Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
Buckminster - 4.4

I'm attaching the file which contains the error i'm getting after materializing the whole project.

Thank you!!

Anozi Mada

Dec 29, 2017, 8:03:04 AM12/29/17
to iDempiere

If you get errors as “ Project '*' is missing required library: '*' ”, please follow the following steps:

  • In the projects which are missing required libraries:
    • Right click copyjars.xml > Run As > 1. Ant Build
  • Refresh all projects
  • Project > Build All

Anozi Mada


Jun 16, 2018, 11:13:56 AM6/16/18
to iDempiere
Hi folks,

thanks for the many tips on this issue.

1) using idempiere 5.1 release /eclipse oxygen

2) I was not able to complete materialization process for idempiere based on
Main problem for days: sourceforge site (sourceforge redirects all download requests) same problem with sf mirror site sited here and on sf docs
managed to find a mirror site that works
but got stuck  with the new stuff that is not mirrored ie. jarfile/maven-p2-R20180421

3) so tried setting offline repository based on
could login with new sf account and while doing
rsync -avrPq myaccount, somedir

got the following error

Could not chdir to home directory /home/project-web/idempiere: Permission denied rsync: change_dir "/home/frs/project/idempiere" failed: Permission denied (13) rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1655) [Receiver=3.1.1] rsync: [Receiver] write error: Broken pipe (32)

Could some one please advice on how to solve this problem
Thanks to all of you.

Le lundi 31 octobre 2016 18:47:09 UTC, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gómez a écrit :
Hi community, another halloween, another release  :-)

I'm glad to announce release v4.1 of iDempiere project.

The installers have been uploaded to sourceforge at this link:

As usual this version is going to be maintained for one year (meaning bug fixing and also some prominent non-disruptive features can be added to this version), and maintenance of 3.1 is being stopped.


Carlos Ruiz


Jun 17, 2018, 7:32:53 PM6/17/18
to iDempiere
to follow up on my previous request
could finally make some advance by doing the following

1) hg up release-5.1  (was working on the default branche)
2) in changed all sourceforge with binary.file link  to
hope this could help some one with same issue

Le samedi 16 juin 2018 16:13:56 UTC+1, rachido a écrit :
Hi folks,

thanks for the many tips on this issue.

1) using idempiere 5.1 release /eclipse oxygen

2) I was not able to complete materialization process for idempiere based on
Main problem for days: sourceforge site (sourceforge redirects all download requests) same problem with sf mirror site sited here and on sf docs
managed to find a mirror site that works
but got stuck  with the new stuff that is not mirrored ie. jarfile/maven-p2-R20180421

3) so tried setting offline repository based on
could login with new sf account and while doing
rsync -avrPq myaccount, somedir


Oct 5, 2018, 3:08:42 AM10/5/18
to iDempiere
Hi rachido 
after following your steps above "in changed all sourceforge with binary.file link  to" the many errors were fixed thankx, but now I get this one error. Please help if you have a workaround for this error. thankx in advance.

error after changing the sourceforge with binary.file link

ERROR   [0001] : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number:
Attempt to use an unresolved node. Request is org.adempiere.sdk.feature:eclipse.feature
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