Zoom Tab from link

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Gustavo Crespo

Mar 2, 2017, 1:07:21 PM3/2/17
to iDempiere
Dear mates,

Is posible zoom to tab from any window?

For example in some link in custom form can zoom to "Purchasing" tab from "Product" window directly like image?

Any help would be appreciate.



redhuan d. oon

Mar 3, 2017, 11:01:34 PM3/3/17
to iDempiere
Interesting. I am not sure if your intent is to go to such tab and populate it. If so, you could (in your custom form) have a Purchasing field (as a holder) and let that field implement a QuickEntry to do that.
(see http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/NF1.0_QuickEntry).

Gustavo Crespo

Mar 4, 2017, 9:21:15 AM3/4/17
to iDempiere
Hi red1, my intent is not for populate it but show purpose, and is not for product window. Is for any window any tab sublevel. At first I thought some variant AEnv.zoom could do the work.

Marco Longo

Mar 5, 2017, 12:55:31 AM3/5/17
to iDempiere
Hi Gustavo,
we made a plugin to zoom to any window (customized) from any record .
it's another voice on the mouse right click  (like quick entry)
You can have more voice

actually you can go to window, run a process
we made it flexible so next step is to go to any infowindow and special form .

It's in test phase so write  me : marco.longo @ consul-net.it  i will give you all detail and you can use as a beta user

we can share to comunity after it's tested

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