Class in different package in plugin (same src folder) cause system slow down

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Phil Barnett

Dec 21, 2017, 9:22:47 PM12/21/17
to iDempiere

Not sure if this is specific to Idempiere, but I have found the following behaviour:

I tried to be clever and separate out some utility methods. I put them in a different package in the same src folder. The code is pretty innocuous:
package au.blindmot.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.compiere.util.DB;

public class MtmUtils {

// Prefixes for bar codes based on table_id - to shorten barcodes
public static final String MTM_PRODUCTION_PREFIX = "01";
public static final String MTM_PRODUCTION_ITEM_PREFIX = "02";
public static final String MTM_PRODUCTION_ASSEMBLEY_ITEM = "03";
public static final String MTM_HEAD_RAIL_DEDUCTION = "Head Rail Deduction";
public static final String MTM_FABRIC_DEDUCTION = "Fabric deduction";
public static final String MTM_FABRIC_ADDITION = "Fabric length addition";
public static final String MTM_BOTTOM_BAR_DEDUCTION = "Bottom bar deduction";
public MtmUtils() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public String getBarcode(int table_id, int record_id) {

String prefix = getBarcodePrefix(table_id);
if (prefix != null) {
StringBuffer barCode = new StringBuffer(prefix);
return barCode.append(record_id).toString();
} else
return null;


private String getBarcodePrefix(int table_id) {

StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
.append("SELECT name  ");
.append("FROM ad_table ");
.append("WHERE ad_table_id = ?");

String tableName = DB.getSQLValueStringEx(null, sql.toString(), table_id);
String prefix = null;

if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Made to measure production")) {
} else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Made to measure items")) {
} else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Made to measure cuts")) {

return prefix;

When this code is called from the class in the au.blindmot.model package, the system slows to a crawl, with some thread timeouts occurring. Seems like a hung thread? It does this every time the getBarcode(int table_id, int record_id) is called from outside its own package.
When the code is placed into a class in
au.blindmot.model no slow down occurs. I tried to run the methods as static and got the same result - it seems to be where the code is located.

Anyone know why this is occurring?

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