Problem with the field node (table - Transition ) in Libero manufacturing plugin

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Jun 22, 2018, 8:20:39 PM6/22/18
to iDempiere
Hello! I ask for some hint, how to fix the bug.

I have workflow with nodes. I need to enter transitions (table AD_WF_NodeNext). I have two diferent windows: the one is  "workflow" and the second is "manufacturing workflow" (from plugin) Both of them link to the same tables, however when I want to enter line of transition the field "Node" is filled automaticaly when I go from window "workflow" and it is empty when I go from window "manufacturing workflow" (it is bug, because this field is mandatory).  There is default logic  @1|AD_WF_Node_ID@

Why it works in the one place and doesnt work in the other place?

The second question:  Where is the code which perform this logic?  I searched the whole workspace, but I didnt find this place. I found only module but i think it is for drawing of windows.

Thank you for sugestions in advance. 


Jun 23, 2018, 6:45:01 AM6/23/18
to iDempiere

1. Two windows have diff tabs with its logic , check your tab order in mfg wf window Or find the context from logo>error>session info.
     like @Position of Tab|columnname@ , main tab = 0 , first tab =1 , and so on. 



Jun 23, 2018, 3:55:39 PM6/23/18
to iDempiere
It didnt help.
There is 3 tables hierarhy in both cases. workflow- node(activity)- transition
windows are diferent but tables are the same
no errors but mandatory field Node (window transition) in plugin doesnt fill.  I show screenshots of settings - they are the same instead entity type. Changing this field doesnt help.


суббота, 23 июня 2018 г., 13:45:01 UTC+3 пользователь Joseph написал:
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redhuan d. oon

Jun 28, 2018, 11:13:18 AM6/28/18
to iDempiere
Hi, here is the workaround. Right-click on the Node field to Zoom to its normal Workflow Node and create a new Transition there. Then refresh back in the Manufacturing Workflow. I checked there is a further relationship to dynamically validate from the Node's parent Workflow. Still looking why the Workflow relationship breaks in Mfg.

redhuan d. oon

Jun 28, 2018, 11:24:44 AM6/28/18
to iDempiere

OK just found out why. Go to System > Windows and change the Manufacturing window > Tab for Translation to Sequence = 95 as in screenshot attached.


Jun 28, 2018, 6:51:28 PM6/28/18
to iDempiere
That's it . Sorry for my simple answer , default value "@taborder|ad_wf_node_id@" of the node in wf tab lead this issue . 



Jul 1, 2018, 2:05:07 PM7/1/18
to iDempiere
Thank you 
It helped.  But for me, it is a big surprise that correct work depends on the order of tables.

четверг, 28 июня 2018 г., 18:24:44 UTC+3 пользователь redhuan d. oon написал:
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