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PAYROLL menu is not appearing in Idempiere Phong 8.2

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Allan Dimasuay

Jan 6, 2021, 9:06:59 PM1/6/21
to idempiere-marketing
Hi Community,

Please give me an advise what to do:

I have installed the HR and Payroll plugins in version 8.2.

I can see it in Felix Web Console.  However, the menu is not appearing in Idempiere.

Is there any sequence and/or procedure how to properly attach these plug-ins?

Appreciate your reply.

Thank you

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Jan 7, 2021, 3:54:54 AM1/7/21
Hi Allan this is wrong forum,

The status Installed means you have not started it.

You must start the plugin.


Carlos Ruiz

Am 07.01.21 um 03:06 schrieb Allan Dimasuay:
Hi Community,

Please give me an advise what to do:

I have installed the HR and Payroll plugins in version 8.2.

I can see it in Felix Web Console.  However, the menu is not appearing in Idempiere.

Is there any sequence and/or procedure how to properly attach these plug-ins?

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