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Improving documentation - brainstorming

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Diego Ruiz

Jan 18, 2020, 8:58:07 AM1/18/20
to idempiere-marketing
Hi community, 

In the last marketing committee meeting, we discussed improving iDempiere's documentation. 

There are two initial proposals to approach this:
1) Put a single person in charge to do the whole manual from scratch. Potentially training a person who's an expert on writing manuals.
2) Start small with what we currently have (wikis, videos, forums), and assign one person to collect all that material in a single place, giving structure, writing style and evolve from there.

The two option are not exclusive and could evolve with time.

We would like to know what you think about this? If anyone has another idea to approach this problem or to improve the existing proposals.

Best regards,
Diego Ruiz


Jan 21, 2020, 4:22:06 AM1/21/20
to idempiere-marketing

I think point 2, but it is a big task. That takes a lot of time and it is difficult for one person.
It is better to build a team of volunteers. A team can bundle the different needed skills and it is more flexible.
This documentation team can collect, write and verify content and also encourage community members.

Best regards,

Martin Schönbeck

Jan 21, 2020, 7:51:30 AM1/21/20
to idempiere-marketing
Hi Diego,

Am Samstag, 18. Januar 2020 14:58:07 UTC+1 schrieb Diego Ruiz:
Hi community, 

In the last marketing committee meeting, we discussed improving iDempiere's documentation. 

There are two initial proposals to approach this:
1) Put a single person in charge to do the whole manual from scratch. Potentially training a person who's an expert on writing manuals.
2) Start small with what we currently have (wikis, videos, forums), and assign one person to collect all that material in a single place, giving structure, writing style and evolve from there.

I'd prefer option 2. There is much information around which doesn't need to be duplicated, but which is not easy to find if looking for a given problem. While I think regarding technical information it is ok to have them in english only, that's not true for the information a user needs. But even there it's better to have english than none. Though what we need there is a possibility to have translated information combined with untranslated information. I personally would prefer this user information in iDempiere with it's translation mechanism.


Matthew Law

Jan 24, 2020, 3:51:31 PM1/24/20
Hi Diego,

We have about 1,000 staff and I can confirm the manuals we developed get very little access where as the videos get far more interaction. We are reducing written manuals wherever we can.


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Chuck Boecking

Jan 24, 2020, 6:25:20 PM1/24/20
I believe this is further validated by Jan's tutorial efforts. I am happy to help produce videos. I have about 600 of them inside the academy. I feel like I can help the group make easier work of the video production process.


Chuck Boecking
512.850.6068 (office and cell)
chuck.boecking (skype)


Feb 12, 2020, 3:24:45 AM2/12/20
to idempiere-marketing
I'am quite fresh in developing iD in Eclipse but I've already encountered serious obstacles in building new and improving old iD plugins. Let me remind you: 
  • first the domain resources '' disappeared - necessary in building iD 5.1, 
  • and now the entire Maven directory 'selenium-server-standalone /' - necessary in building iD 6.1 and 6.2, 
What could be next, I do not know, but everything seems to be possible. Certainly, such a subsequent annihilation of sources basically take away the freedom of developers who want to work on versions earlier than 7.1. The lack of sources for building a development environment may disturb especially those developers who produce and test new plugins. 

In my opinion, there is no such thing as "power of the community" without the possibility of such a community to operate freely, without external obstacles which we cannot influence when building the code. From this it follows that, freedom cannot exist without an independent archive of historical sources necessary to build a development environment for all iD versions. I think we should have done something like this a long time ago, even if it would require renting a file server and providing such sources for a fee.

Without securing the production infrastructure available over the internet, any Oracle marketer, SAP or MS can now ridicule the sense of implementing iDempiere in enterprises. And then no powered by community marketing will help.

Best Regards., 

Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Feb 12, 2020, 5:07:56 AM2/12/20
Hi Andrzej,

I think this thread is about improving documentation, your proposal sounds good enough to have his own thread instead of making a comment in another unrelated.

What I understand you're proposing - please correct me if I understood wrong - is that the project could maintain several versions in past - like postgresql does - actually I count that postgresql is giving maintenance to 6 versions, that sounds  wow! community power!

Historically we have just maintained the last version, whenever a new version is released, the old version becomes unmaintained, and we focus the maintenance on the new version, of course that forces users and implementors to keep updated - or to maintain the version by themselves (the most common).

IMHO maintaining old versions would be great, is just a matter of resources.  So, you're more than welcome if you want to contribute maintenance (or sponsorship) for those old versions you're using, that will show the real power of the community!

Thanks for bringing this "several version maintenance" topic on light - as I said, I think it deserves its own thread - please feel free to open it - that will be very constructive for community if your proposal got audience that shares your interests.

iDempiere. Community Powered Enterprise
Let's do it together


Carlos Ruiz

Am 12.02.20 um 09:24 schrieb StabilisOne:


Feb 12, 2020, 6:55:07 AM2/12/20
to idempiere-marketing
Thank you for your appreciating of my suggestions and I promise to make a separate topic regarding sources maintenance for several previous versions od iD, but first tell me please whether you consider it as the issue of marketing power or rather simple technical trifle.

Of course I would like to emphasize that, without archives of other iD developers success of such a commitment would impossible to realize, because I have not any old repository yet, on my local HDD.

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