First iDempiere Marketing Committee Meeting

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Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez

Nov 13, 2019, 2:34:20 PM11/13/19

Hello community,

Today we had our first iDempiere Marketing Committee Meeting, it was very interesting and we expect to meet next week again.

The full meeting is published here:

As the first actions defined from the committee:

> Create a sub-group for marketing on google groups.

Ready, I created the google group idempiere-marketing.

Please all the community members interested in this topic can sign in here:!forum/idempiere-marketing

Participation is free and open.  This must be the last message about marketing published in the general forums, next marketing focused messages must be discussed in the new forum.

Very soon will be messages to define collectively the mission, vision, project values, etc.
Also a call/poll will be made for a nice slogan for the project.
So, please join this new forum if you're interested in helping with that discussion.

> calling in forums who else want to be part of this team/committee and are committed to join in some meetings and participate actively

Another action decided in the meeting is about opening invitation for members of the Marketing Committee.

The initial Marketing Committee was decided on the Lyon 2019 conference, and you can see the members that volunteered to participate here:

As the representation of the conference is too little compared with the whole community we decided to open a call for more volunteers that want to participate in this committee.  Please take note that participating in this committee is free, volunteer, but we expect some minimum commitment to try at least to attend the meetings, and if possible to participate in some of the activities defined by the committee.  So, if you're interested in being part of the Committee, please add your name to that wiki page, join us in the next meeting, and participate in the idempiere-marketing forums discussions.


Carlos Ruiz

Krishna Satish

Nov 15, 2019, 2:48:37 AM11/15/19
to idempiere-marketing
Excellent idea, Carlos!
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