[WG-IDAssurance] Invitation & Agenda for IAWG Call - 2023-03-30

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Lynzie Adams via WG-IDAssurance

Mar 28, 2023, 3:43:17 PM3/28/23
to wg-idas...@kantarainitiative.org
Dear IAWG Members,

Please join us at 12pm US Eastern Time Thursday, March 30, for a 90-minute IAWG meeting. Please make an effort to review the comments prior to the meeting. Reviewed and accepted comments have been noted in green on the 63A tab. Comments can be made in the Google Sheet or shared during the meeting. 

Date and Time

Proposed Agenda
  1. Revision 4 comment review Draft CommentsResponses to NIST Questions to be reviewed
  2. Any Other Business
Minutes from the previous three review meetings are available in draft form. Let me know if you see needed edits. 
Lynzie Adams
Assurance Program Manager

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