No Ithaca Dances of Universal Peace tonight, July 1; Diversity and Inclusion workshop/gathering opportunity July 8

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Jim Volckhausen

2023年7月1日 中午12:43:532023/7/1
收件者:Ithaca Dances of Universal Peace、Ithaca Sufi Center
Dear Dancing Friends- There will not be Dances of Universal Peace tonight, July 1 at Foundation of Light; I'll be immersed in Zikr on the west coast with Leila and Bodhi Be at their Zikr Immersion Retreat!

Next weekend, Saturday July 8, 3-5pm, there will be a zoom gathering/workshop on diversity and inclusion in our community, that emerged out of an email discussion that some of you were part of a few months ago, between community members and leaders of the Ithaca Dances of Universal Peace, Ithaca Sufi Center, and Foundation of Light, regarding the issues of racism, diversity and inclusion. A few of the participants in that discussion reached out and found support and funding for this offering. Hope you can join us! I will send a separate email about that, but the link for registration is here:

Dancing in Peace,

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