execution expired (Timeout::Error) - When running cucumber.

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May 31, 2011, 11:28:13 PM5/31/11
to iCuke
Hi guys,

I'm on a Mac OSX 10.6.7
Ruby 1.8.7
Gem 1.3.5
iCuke 0.6.3
cucumber 0.10.3

I am following this guide to setup and use iCuke:

I reached the step where I need to run Cucumber:
cucumber features/add_a_contact.feature

Here's the entire output showing the error.
the simulator does not launch, and even when I launch it manually and
run cucumber, I get the same result
with and without Sudo.

Feature: Adding a contact
In order to remember my friend’s phone number
As a forgetful user
I want to add my friend to my contact list

Background: #
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/iCuke-0.6.3/lib/icuke/sdk.rb:9: warning:
Insecure world writable dir /usr/local/mysql in PATH, mode 040777

Given "QuickContacts.xcodeproj" is loaded in the simulator #
execution expired (Timeout::Error)
ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `launch'
features/add_a_contact.feature:7:in `Given
"QuickContacts.xcodeproj" is loaded in the simulator'

Scenario: Adding a contact # features/
When I tap "Create New Contact" # iCuke-0.6.3/lib/
And I type "Joe" in "First" #
And I type "Bloggs" in "Last" #
And I tap "Done" #
And I tap "Display Picker" #
Then I should see "Joe Bloggs" # iCuke-0.6.3/

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/add_a_contact.feature:9 # Scenario: Adding a contact

1 scenario (1 failed)
7 steps (1 failed, 6 skipped)


I'm not sure if anyone encountered this or could point me in the right


Jason Felice

Jun 13, 2011, 9:47:32 AM6/13/11
to ic...@googlegroups.com
Sorry for the late reply.

This usually means that iCuke couldn't launch the simulator or connect to the app.  Often this is because it could not find the binary or the iCuke preload library.  Things to check:

* If you are using Xcode 4, you may need to go to Xcode | Preferences ... | Locations and select "Place build products in locations specified by targets" from "Build Location".
* Some issues with matching of different SDKs has been resolved in the git repository.  You can try installing from there.

(You'll probably use ":branch => 'master'" instead of ":ref => 'whatever'" in the Gemfile.)


Jun 21, 2011, 3:59:36 AM6/21/11
to iCuke
I got this issue too when I try the example in icuke(cucumber ./
feature).I have set "Build Location" as "Place build products in
locations specified by targets" in Xcode4.
I have try jkp(https://github.com/jkp/icuke) and
BlueFrogGaming(https://github.com/BlueFrogGaming/icuke) forks,but this
issue all the same.
as the jkp mention(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4996517/icuke-
with-xcode-4-times-out).I build the WaxSim(https://github.com/gmcinnes/
WaxSim) and launch app,it is ok (./waxsim -s 4.0 /Test.app/),so i
think may be this is icuke's problem?!
William Zhang
Mac OSX 10.6.7
ruby 1.8.7
gem 1.8.5
cucumber :0.10.6
------Error Message Start-----
# features/iphone.feature:6
Given "app/Universal.xcodeproj" is loaded in the iphone simulator
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:188
execution expired (Timeout::Error)
ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `launch'
./features/support/../../lib/icuke/waxsim.rb:22:in `launch'
./features/support/../../lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:18:in `launch'
./features/support/../../lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:197:in `/^(?:"([^
\"]*)" from )?"([^\"]*)" is loaded in the (?:(iphone|ipad) )?
simulator(?: with SDK ([0-9.]+))?$/'
features/iphone.feature:7:in `Given "app/Universal.xcodeproj" is
loaded in the iphone simulator'
Scenario: Scrolling
# features/iphone.feature:10
When I tap "Show Test Modal"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:218
Then I should see "Lorem ipsum dolor"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:210
But I should not see "Fusce sem nisi"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:214
When I scroll down to "Fusce sem nisi"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:238
Then I should see "Fusce sem nisi"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:210
But I should not see "Lorem ipsum dolor"
# lib/icuke/cucumber.rb:214

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/iphone.feature:10 # Scenario: Scrolling

1 scenario (1 failed)
7 steps (1 failed, 6 skipped)
------Error Message End-----

On Jun 13, 9:47 pm, Jason Felice <jason.m.fel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the late reply.
> This usually means that iCuke couldn't launch the simulator or connect to
> the app.  Often this is because it could not find the binary or the iCuke
> preload library.  Things to check:
> * If you are using Xcode 4, you may need to go to Xcode | Preferences ... |
> Locations and select "Place build products in locations specified by
> targets" from "Build Location".
> * Some issues with matching of different SDKs has been resolved in the git
> repository.  You can try installing from there.
> See this scenario for instructions on running:https://github.com/BlueFrogGaming/icuke/blob/master/features/starting...

Jason Felice

Jun 27, 2011, 11:07:35 AM6/27/11
to ic...@googlegroups.com
I'm at a loss, honestly.  Some suggestions:

* See if running cucumber with 'bundle exec cucumber' (or 'bundle exec rake') helps.
* What SDKs are installed (xcodebuild -showsdks)?
* Were these SDKs all installed at the time that iCuke was installed and built?
* Do you have a libicuke.dylib in ext/iCuke where iCuke is installed?
* Apply the attached patch (maybe manually to your already-installed version) to see what waxsim command is actually being run.  Does that command run successfully by itself?
* If it runs successfully, can you use telnet to connect to localhost port 50000 with telnet while it is running? e.g.

$ telnet localhost 50000

* If you can, can you retrieve the view using curl or wget?  e.g

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