CHI 2022 Workshop: HCI Across Borders

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Vikram Kamath

Feb 11, 2022, 4:39:49 PM2/11/22
Hi folks,

We are excited to invite you to the seventh HCIxB border workshop at CHI this year! Please consider submitting your work.

# Theme: Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI

The HCIxB workshop at CHI 2022 is a unique venue to showcase HCI-related work and initiatives from communities across geographies to a global audience. This year we are focusing on “Navigating Shifting Borders at CHI” where borders can refer to geographical boundaries, research interests, disciplines, methodologies, and more. We invite you to share how pandemic has shaped borders within your research, practice, or education. You can also share different strategies you have employed to navigate such borders. We hope to start a discussion to address challenges we face as a group and as individuals. We welcome broad participation. Limited funding may be available for early applicants.

## Important Dates

  • February 24th: Submissions due

  • March 1st: Notifications sent

  • March 31st: Camera-ready versions due

## Important links

## Submissions

Interested participants can submit one of the following:

  • Position paper (~250-500 words, single column, PDF format preferred, Templates: [Overleaf] [Word] [PDF] 

  • Commentary on a past publication (~250 word commentary)

  • Short videos [not more than ~10mins)

  • Blog post [500-1000 words]

  • Pictorial/illustrations [in PDF or PNG format]

Please include your single-page CV in your submission when uploading to HotCRP

# About HCI Across Borders

HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) is a community focusing on connecting research and researchers on the margins across the world. It started as the Development Consortium at CHI 2016, followed by workshops at CHI 2017 through 2022. Today, it has evolved into a collaborative initiative with a mission to foster community across geographies, backgrounds, methodologies, and other boundaries.

PhD student, HCII, CMU

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