FW: [STS-Africa] PhD Position Social Anthropology (3-4 years) University of Oslo, EPIDEMIC TRACES, Vaccination/Immunity

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Mar 5, 2022, 1:12:46 PM3/5/22
to gianluca...@uzh.ch
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From: STS-Africa <sts-afric...@lists.wiser.org.za> On Behalf Of
Richard Rottenburg
Sent: Saturday, March 5, 2022 1:15 PM
To: sts-a...@lists.wiser.org.za
Subject: [STS-Africa] PhD Position Social Anthropology (3-4 years)
University of Oslo, EPIDEMIC TRACES, Vaccination/Immunity

Dear colleagues,
We would be grateful if you could forward this advert to potentially
interested graduate students. The conditions are good and the project’s
remit broad.
Thanks and best wishes,

PhD Position

University of Oslo - Department of Social Anthropology

Vaccination infrastructures and the logistics of immunity in Kenya

We invite applications for a three-to-four-year position as PhD candidate
in social anthropology to be based at the Department of Social Anthropology,
starting in the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year. The candidate will
independently develop and conduct a PhD research project in Kenya, examining
how vaccination practices, institutions and infrastructures, as they have
been deployed over time, shape present and future social, material, and
political relations, including the conditions of health and its governance.
This will form part of the broader project “Epidemic Traces. Remains of
infectious disease control in Africa”, which investigates how epidemic and
anti-epidemic measures durably alter bodies, ecologies, landscapes,
infrastructures, kinship and activism in various African sites.

For more information on this project:
Epidemic Traces - Department of Social Anthropology (uio.no).

The candidate should have a very recent master’s degree in social or
cultural anthropology or a related discipline, and demonstrate an ability to
think across humanities disciplines, combining ethnographic and historical
methods with aspects of STS, material culture studies, geography,
archaeology and/or heritage studies, to examine how the past – as memory,
and the materiality of bodies, circulations and habits, archives,
technologies and infrastructure – continues to act in the present.

For the job advert please visit the
es> job advert.

If you want to discuss your ideas, please contact Noemi Tousignant (
<mailto:n.tous...@ucl.ac.uk> n.tous...@ucl.ac.uk), Ruth Prince (
<mailto:r.j.p...@medisin.uio.no> r.j.p...@medisin.uio.no) and Wenzel
Geissler ( <mailto:p.w.ge...@sai.uio.no> p.w.ge...@sai.uio.no)

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