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Dear Digital Health and Public Health Colleagues, I trust this message reach you well. I am conducting a survey as part of my Masters of Public Health (MPH) Thesis. I will very much appreciate if you could spare some time to help me fulfil this import requirements for the MPH program. You will also be contributing to the knowledge base on interoperability as my supervisor and I intend to publish the findings from this survey. *Apologies for cross-posting Emeka Chukwu MPH Candidate, Central University of Nicaragua |
MPH Thesis Survey: Evaluating Healthcare Interoperability |
Thesis Title: Evaluating the Impact of Healthcare Interoperability on Patient Outcomes, Economic Efficiency, and Public Health Emergency Management: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis Investigator: Emeka Chukwu, MPH Candidate (emek...@gmail.com) Introduction: I am conducting research as part of the requirements for the Master in Public Health (MPH) at the Central University of Nicaragua. Your kind participation will mean so much to me and help contribute to this important public health field of healthcare interoperability. Purpose of the Study: This study aims to evaluate the impact of healthcare interoperability across different healthcare settings, focusing on patient outcomes, economic efficiency, and the management of public health emergencies. Expectation: You will complete this online survey, which will take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time. The survey includes questions related to your role in healthcare, experiences, and perceptions of the impacts of interoperability initiatives. Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You can choose to participate or not, and you can withdraw at any time without any consequences. Confidentiality: All information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality. Your identity will not be revealed in any reports or publications that may result from this study, and your information will only be accessible to the researcher. Data will be securely stored and reported in anonymized form. Data Protection: We adhere to the GDPR and local Nigeria data protection laws to ensure that your data is handled responsibly. Your data will only be used for research purposes and will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent. Risks and Benefits: Participating in this survey has no risks and while there may be no direct benefit to you, your participation will contribute valuable information that could help improve healthcare delivery and outcomes through better understanding and implementation of interoperability initiatives. Questions: Should you have any questions about the research or your participation, please feel free to contact the investigator using the details provided above. Consent: By completing the survey, you are indicating your consent to participate in this study. |
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