unable to visualize the image of the imported svg in icomoon app, neither in generated font (looks empty)

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Dec 6, 2017, 10:20:57 AM12/6/17
to IcoMoon
Hi guys,

I am trying to generate a font glyph from a svg file (attached) that UX people send to me. 
The svg file in Gapplin looks ok, but when trying to upload it into icomoon app: it is empty. 

I ma not a web graphist so I do not know so much regarding svg format and constraints to make a glyph from it. I read from your doc that strokes or text is ignored. I have a svg with a image tag and some hexa data behind.. Not sure where the problèm is ? 

Any help very much appreciated ! 

Thank you in advance, regards



Dec 6, 2017, 10:56:20 AM12/6/17
to IcoMoon
Sorry I wan not able to attach the svg file.. Meanwhile, I get deeper inside and I am quite sure the svg in not a vector image but was created from a bitmap image since when I zoom over it I can see pixels. I am quite sure it is the root cause for it... ?


Dec 6, 2017, 4:44:15 PM12/6/17
to IcoMoon
Yes, IcoMoon ignores bitmap content. You'd have to convert it to vector by drawing the lines/curves that make up your icon.


Dec 7, 2017, 4:10:04 AM12/7/17
to IcoMoon
Thank you for your response !
Yes this is indeed what I understood also (I tried again then with the correct svg file and it worked well)
This let me think to an enhancement of the icomoon app: I am not an svg expert, but it could be create to display an error message for such non vectoriel svg file uploaded instead of an empty square ?
Not sure you are the right contact for such rfe

Thank you again and best regards,

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