Feature Requests

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Two Seven Two Dev

Mar 18, 2017, 11:14:30 AM3/18/17
to I<code> GO
To keep future feature requests all in one place, and a way for me to manage what people want added, we'll start this thread :-)

Please explain what you would like, how it should be implemented, what section of the editor.

If you can think of an improvement to a current I<code> Go function, I am always glad to get suggestions.

Remember, the editor is universal, not specific to any one platform. However, if you have a platform that may make a good project type... tell me about it.

Working on integrating a new release of sl4a (works on all newer droids now) and making python and Ruby available with full interpreters. They will be project types and run with one click from the tools menu like the other project types (PRIME).

JavaScript and PHP docs are in the works as well. The concept is (internet required) you will have the cursor on a JavaScript or PHP function/method and long press the magic wand. It will find the documentation online, serve it to you in a nicely formatted half screen view.

Am working on a screen video of ALL the ways to cut/copy/paste. There are many!

So.... tell me what you think would make a nice addition to the editor.


Apr 29, 2017, 8:01:56 AM4/29/17
to I<code> GO
Hey Chris,

is it possible to implement a
"fast save project and run it without any alerts or dlgs"- button, under the bookmark button...enableable in setting, like
"activate fast save and run"
or something?

as a beginner, a lot of featuring out happens with
try and error principe...thats my way...so it will be more confortable for me, to save and run app with only one click :)

i hope u understand xD
thank you and
greetings from Berlin

Two Seven Two Dev

Apr 29, 2017, 10:54:34 AM4/29/17
to I<code> GO

You just made the cut, I added your request to the version to be released in a day or so.

v1.35 will bring many new setting options. Your request was added as:

Save all changed files automatically when running a project

Also, help videos are being produced for the editor, its functions, and how to use them... the "plan" is to add a new video a week. I realize ICG has many hidden gems most users don't even know exist... so I am going to try to expose just how handy and fast ICG can make coding on a mobile device.

Happy Coding!


Apr 29, 2017, 11:19:00 AM4/29/17
to I<code> GO
good news Chris :)
...dont let us wait to long xD

nice weekend

Steve Garman

Apr 30, 2017, 9:59:19 AM4/30/17
to I<code> GO
Can I ask for an enhancement to "Fetch Source from URL"

It would be useful to be able to check the URL from which we downloaded the source.

I assume it is not worth your while to create a database but perhaps if we had a setting "Remember fetched URL" and
is being created you could also create
containing a string of the URL requested.

Two Seven Two Dev

Apr 30, 2017, 10:37:38 AM4/30/17
to I<code> GO
Since you can change the source saved filename, would it be good enough to have that information available under 'FilE Details' on the right slideout menu? Maybe with a copy to clipboard button if you wanted to quick grab the URL?

Also, that function, as well as all HTML documents opened you will be able to one click extract css, js, and image files. (todo). Images will be opened in a grid, on touch downloaded to the 'source' folder. Obviously CSS and JS files will be downloaded then opened in the editor.

Would that satisfy the request, or do you have a different need? I could also add the URL as a comment on the first line? Maybe with a checkbox - "Include URL as a comment"

Brainstorming .... :-)

Steve Garman

Apr 30, 2017, 10:56:06 AM4/30/17
to I<code> GO
The URL in the file details would be ideal from my point of view. L

I could easily live without "Copy URL to clipboard" but if it's easy, it may well be useful for someone else...

I only really need an aide memoire. Because of my advanced age, I forget where I got things from.

My first thought was to ask for an option to add the URL as a comment in the file but I thought (without considering file renaming) that a separate file would be easier.

But I really like the file-type idea.

Steve Garman

Apr 30, 2017, 11:00:34 AM4/30/17
to I<code> GO
* But I really like the file-details idea.

Mauritz Zondagh

May 4, 2017, 10:18:38 AM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
Can you please change the special characters drag block to a single bar (scroll left right), put just above the keyboard pop-up


Mauritz Zondagh

May 4, 2017, 10:22:01 AM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
The icons on the top bar is quite small to press, especially the scroll on the right hand side. I would prefer a single bar with all the icons visible without scroll. Maybe make the files (filename edit) tabbed windows? Or a icon, if you press it, the filename appears on pop up, to get more space available on the bar, or Bottom bar with filenames?


Mauritz Zondagh

May 4, 2017, 10:23:40 AM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
May i make another suggestion? But it is purely my preference.
I would like to have the color scheme (background / foreground) and text size for
Icons, menu's,Settings window, Filename (Background color / text color / text size ) and the
Line number Background and text color (I prefer this background to be the same as my script background and not black)
adjustable from a user setting.

Your default scheme is black background with Blue or white text, and is on the smaller side (text size). When using your app especially in the evenings i struggle to read the small text. Probably age got something to do with this as well LOL
From my perspective, i would like to have a more "white-tish" theme than a dark theme, and using bright colors with slightly larger text.
But other users might prefer something else, so probably a user setting would be best.


Symbroson Development

May 4, 2017, 10:50:12 AM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
U already can change the text size and editor theme on the bottom of the left menu drawer layout. Just scroll down and u'll find two buttons for that

Mauritz Zondagh

May 4, 2017, 11:07:52 AM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
Hi Symbroson Development

The Theme and Text size adjustments you are referring to only adjust the script editing part color and text size. I was referring to the menu's, Top bar, Icon's ext color and text size.


Two Seven Two Dev

May 4, 2017, 12:22:08 PM5/4/17
to I<code> GO

Added to the TODO list:

App Light Theme
Symbols/Arrows Row - this will auto open when keyboard is open, attaching above it.

As far as font size for the entire app, this is possible, I already have it coded that way, problem is, if you make the txt too big, it really plays havoc on the layout. Will revisit this.

The top UI bar I will have to consider. No promises here :-)

Two Seven Two Dev

May 4, 2017, 12:32:18 PM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
Source URL has been added to the upcoming release, in file details. It is a clickable link - in case you want to open it in a browser.

So we have a little progress, I am currently:

Adding external SD support for KitKat and Lollipop+ devices.

File Explorer has major improvements:
Copy, Rename, Delete, and Unzip.
Open Images in app, music and videos external players
Icons for filetypes

Html that has been fetched (URL) you can scrape:
All images, js and css files can be fetched and opened in a single click

... so, I'd expect it in a month... hopefully :-)

Mauritz Zondagh

May 4, 2017, 6:14:30 PM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
A quick jump to function button.
Function list compiled automatically across files

Maybe this is already available. Autosave when run is pressed, and with time interval. This will omit the dialog box to save Yes or No


Two Seven Two Dev

May 4, 2017, 6:25:40 PM5/4/17
to I<code> GO
Autosave is available when running projects.

Settings->Project Settings

Turn on autosave.

Working on a function explorer. I just need to find a way to broaden it from just JavaScript - but that is also on the TODO list.

Mauritz Zondagh

May 11, 2017, 6:28:40 AM5/11/17
to I<code> GO
Could you consider adding 2 menu options to the long press hand symbol menu.
Currently there is Select Cursor, Line and word. Add option delete line and duplicate line.

I know it is possible with key mappings ALT-D and CTRL+ALT-D, but i do not use hackers keyboard (mainly for language support), and have to use the volume keys to get hold of ALT / CTRL. I think it would be nice addition if it is possible via the hand symbol menu.


Mauritz Zondagh

May 11, 2017, 6:37:28 AM5/11/17
to I<code> GO
Not sure if this is already the case, but consider.

When selecting text via Cursor select, line or word when selection is complete automatically do a copy. (So that the user do not need to press the small copy icon as well). If you would rather like to do a Cut, then by pressing the cut icon it will probably override the already copied action.


Steve Garman

May 11, 2017, 6:43:14 AM5/11/17
to I<code> GO

Please think very carefully before making changes that alter the contents of the clipboard without a specific request from the user.

If you want to add a select&copy option, please keep it distinct from the select option.

Two Seven Two Dev

May 11, 2017, 10:46:30 AM5/11/17
to I<code> GO
I agree Steve, things that alter the clipboard without direct user input bothers me alittle too - I do see the use, as for the sake of quickness, but I'm not comfortable with that.

There is a new addition to the next major release, a long press menu. I have some ideas.

Delete and Duplicate line added to the tap select will be done. I think those two are good additions.


Jul 29, 2017, 8:55:47 PM7/29/17
to I<code> GO
Hi, devteam.
I'm front-end developer.
Btw I not fully understanding how emmet works here. (Will be thankfull for tip about how to use emmet features)
And what I would to see in ICG in the future:
Working preprocessors like sass and jade(with emmet will be killing feature)
Thank you for your app & great work!


Mar 1, 2018, 7:37:56 PM3/1/18
to I<code> GO
Refactoring - or at least the ability to rename a function and have all calls to that function adjust as well. Also renaming for variables, limited to scope (I.e. not a global search and replace).

Oyeh Justice

Aug 12, 2018, 5:58:10 AM8/12/18
to I<code> GO
Hi Steve, can you add asset to it, so that we can save file and use them in our project, and also include the button for us to save file and upload to our project,,, just like driodscript apk does,,


Two Seven Two Dev

Aug 12, 2018, 10:33:49 AM8/12/18
to I<code> GO
Oyeh, Steve is a DroidScript member, although he is indispensable in help and DS matters, he isn't part of actual Icode-Go development.

I need some clarification on what exactly you are asking, if you are wanting an 'asset manager' that can show your images, that is on the TODO list :-)

If you are working on an external site, you can use the Icode-Go file m anager (long press a file) and copy it to your FTP/SFTP location.

I received your email, I will answer today :-)



Feb 5, 2019, 10:11:51 AM2/5/19
to I<code> GO
Excited for node addition!

Are we going to see additions to the types of projects we can create, for example JavaScript and TypeScript projects?

(I tried to open a .ts file and I<code> tried to pawn me onto another app to handle it.)

Two Seven Two Dev

Feb 5, 2019, 4:28:09 PM2/5/19
to I<code> GO
@John. Well, in testing I did a 'npm install typescript -g -no-bin-links' and it installed in Icode-Go (2.07). I then tried to compile a .ts file and had a few issues. However, after navigating to the node_modules/typescript/lib folder and issuing a 'node tsc ...' I compiled a simple .ts file. Sooooooo.... yeah, I can see typescript making its way as a project type (not in next release) :-)

The .ts is being looked at as an audio file by Icode-Go 's file manager - that'll be corrected in next release :-)

Syakirin Amin

Feb 6, 2019, 5:20:29 PM2/6/19
to I<code> GO
doesn't support jsx and laravel blade syntax highlighting o.o?

Split Infinitive Software

Mar 25, 2019, 8:14:23 PM3/25/19
to icod...@googlegroups.com
The ability to edit saved code snippets. I have several snippets that have a typo in them, I have to make an all new snippet to correct, and I can't delete the typo'd one.

Two Seven Two Dev

Mar 25, 2019, 8:16:26 PM3/25/19
to I<code> GO
Already available in newest release (uploaded to the playstore today)

Open the snippet, an edit icon shows top right corner :-)

Split Infinitive Software

Mar 25, 2019, 8:23:22 PM3/25/19
to I<code> GO
lol, Just when I read your reply PlayStore popped up and said "updating I<code>Go"

Split Infinitive Software

Mar 25, 2019, 8:50:56 PM3/25/19
to I<code> GO
Newest update looks good. In an upcoming one can you add in the ability to assigh syntax highlighting to file types? I place .class and .inc file extensions on my php class files and php include files, every time i create or open them I have to re-force syntax hylighting. It would be nice to have a place to assign itso whenever i open or create a file of an assigned type it's already done for me.

Split Infinitive Software

Mar 25, 2019, 8:52:02 PM3/25/19
to I<code> GO
nevermind. I just opened and forced and you already did it.

Two Seven Two Dev

Mar 25, 2019, 9:06:25 PM3/25/19
to I<code> GO

Leo Dominguez

Apr 10, 2019, 6:45:45 PM4/10/19
to I<code> GO
Hello CHris are new using your application and I see that it has many advantages over others and it seems excellent even though I intend to occupy it in the DEX version of my s9 + and it is a bit complicated I leave you my comments hoping you can improve the app, the first and more importantly I can not open a folder (apart from asking me to install add-ons to open project) to work with my files as it would be seen in other editors such as VSC that apart from this has a file explorer on the left side, when connecting keyboard and mouse it is complicated to select text and finally I know that in a phone it looks good and it is usability but on screen so the upper bar is huge. 

finally your app looks very interesting and I hope you consider something to work in "desktop mode" thanks for your good work

John TZ

Jun 23, 2019, 1:39:27 AM6/23/19
to I<code> GO
Hi Chris,
I'm wondering whether the line break conversion function (LF <-> CRLF) is already available.

Camillo F

Jul 13, 2019, 11:30:57 AM7/13/19
to I<code> GO
Git or GitHub integration?
To download edit and upload changes?

Maybe also a gui refresh with better menus organization. It is difficult to find things in menus.


Jul 17, 2019, 3:14:21 PM7/17/19
to I<code> GO
Chris, how difficult would it be to make the code snippets unlimited on variable data? sometimes I need more than [[1:]] [[2:]] and [[3:]]. I'd like to be able to define as many as needed in my snippet.

John TZ

Aug 24, 2019, 11:39:13 AM8/24/19
to I<code> GO
Would it be possible to let the "find" function match line feed character?
I tried to use the regular expression function but in vain. If matching line feed is available, one can solve the LF>CRLF by themselves by regular expression. Thank you!

Steve Garman

Aug 24, 2019, 6:01:15 PM8/24/19
to I<code> GO
Are you saying that \n does not work for you as a linefeed ?
Does \r work as a carriage return ?

I believe the flavour of regex used is JavaScript so they should both work.

John TZ

Aug 24, 2019, 11:43:08 PM8/24/19
to I<code> GO
Hi Steve,
  Unfortunately, no, they do not work. I tried to put a file with both types of line break characters and opened it with icode-go, but when I tried to use /\n/ or /\r/ to find them, "No matches found" was shown. 
  Also, here's another small feature I would want to request: do not block UI when showing "no matches found" dialog, or I'll have to manually click the close button to proceed with my work. Thank you!

Steve Garman於 2019年8月25日星期日 UTC+8上午6時01分15秒寫道:

ron michel

Aug 26, 2019, 7:39:53 PM8/26/19
to John TZ, I<code> GO
asc(13) is also cr lf. dunno if that old info is helpful.

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019, 8:39 AM John TZ, <jjts...@gmail.com> wrote:
Would it be possible to let the "find" function match line feed character?
I tried to use the regular expression function but in vain. If matching line feed is available, one can solve the LF>CRLF by themselves by regular expression. Thank you!

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Steve Garman

Aug 27, 2019, 6:32:25 PM8/27/19
to I<code> GO
Not really Ron.
asc(13) is cr and asc(10) is lf but I don't know how John TZ would make use of that.

Mauritz Zondagh

Aug 28, 2019, 1:50:59 PM8/28/19
to I<code> GO
Not sure if this is available, but a menu item to list all functions in all files, and by pressing on the function it jumps to the function (JavaScript)

ron michel

Sep 13, 2019, 5:50:33 PM9/13/19
to Steve Garman, I<code> GO
im not sure either but it might help in the searching for a workaround..... it is also interesting to talk of old stuff like ascii etc :)
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joan sola

Jun 30, 2020, 9:15:54 AM6/30/20
to I<code> GO

Hi devs!,
It would be very nice if you add any cloud source suport, gdrive, dropbox, sftp, github... etc 

Steve Garman

Jun 30, 2020, 10:13:16 AM6/30/20
to I<code> GO
Hi joan

I'm not convinced ICG has a dev anymore but it already supports the first 3 of your requests

In the right side menu drawer select "Settings"

Right at the bottom of the settings choose "Remote files"

Mauritz Zondagh

Jan 1, 2021, 6:46:33 AM1/1/21
to I<code> GO
I have 2 suggestion for ICode. 

1. Beautify all files in project with single button request
2. Find and replace in all files in project. There is find textually in project, but not a replace. 
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