Wrapping things up...

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Jan 11, 2013, 6:07:54 AM1/11/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
Dear makers,

It is with great sadness that I write to inform of our failure to secure our continued use of the Prototype room at the Innovation Centre. We have been asked to vacate the premises by the end of next week. Anybody who has donated equipment etc can choose to take it back, or have it donated to another group with similar aims, as per our constitution. I would also ask that anybody who has not yet returned their key fobs do so as soon as possible, or notify myself or Peter if they cannot. Anybody who has paid a deposit for their fobs will have it returned (by Prototype) once it has been returned. Any funds left over after covering the cost of the fobs will be donated along with the equipment as per our constitution.

I have set some time aside to clear out the space tomorrow, and would appreciate any help, but I understand if you cannot come at such short notice.

If anybody knows of groups which might benefit from a donation, either post here or message Peter or me.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express what a privilege it has been to know and work alongside all of you over the last year. 

Ed Lepedus

Peter Childs

Jan 11, 2013, 6:30:03 AM1/11/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

On 11 Jan 2013 11:08, "ed" <ed.le...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear makers,
> It is with great sadness that I write to inform of our failure to secure our continued use of the Prototype room at the Innovation Centre. We have been asked to vacate the premises by the end of next week. Anybody who has donated equipment etc can choose to take it back, or have it donated to another group with similar aims, as per our constitution. I would also ask that anybody who has not yet returned their key fobs do so as soon as possible, or notify myself or Peter if they cannot. Anybody who has paid a deposit for their fobs will have it returned (by Prototype) once it has been returned. Any funds left over after covering the cost of the fobs will be donated along with the equipment as per our constitution.

Unless anyone wishes to continue with out the space. There is no reason we cant adjust the prototype aims to contine without a space to encorrage prototyping and innovation.

But alas we have shrunk in the last 6 months to the extent we would basically be starting again.

I think medway needs us or a simular group. However I'm not sure Having space is somthing we can afford or nearly need?

> I have set some time aside to clear out the space tomorrow, and would appreciate any help, but I understand if you cannot come at such short notice.

Do we have a time ed?


Edmond Lepedus

Jan 11, 2013, 7:11:56 AM1/11/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
I've just been in to have my fob reactivated, so I can provide access as needed. I would probably prefer to do it sometime in the morning rather than later, but I'm quite flexible. 


Sent from my iPhone

Peter Childs

Jan 11, 2013, 7:20:25 AM1/11/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

Shall we say 11am I've got to play taxi for my daughters birthday treat at 1030 but have no wish to watch tinkerbell......

Might have my son with me. Ill have to check what he's doing.


Edmond Lepedus

Jan 11, 2013, 7:30:40 AM1/11/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
That works for me :)

Sent from my iPhone


Jan 12, 2013, 5:11:09 AM1/12/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
I will pop down about 11 to sort out fob, I can not stay long though.

David Halliday

Jan 13, 2013, 12:47:07 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
Hi, I'm sorry to see this go. It was a big thing for me to get involved with when I was living in Kent. I'm glad for the many good connections I made through it.

@Peter, I think I donated a coup;le of books. I wrote my name in the front covers of them. If you see them can you pick them up and hang on to them for me, I'm sure you will find them interesting to have a flick through. I can't remember if I picked any up before only that I left one or two. If you don't find them I probably already have them or if they are lost, it's not the end of the world.

Peter Childs

Jan 13, 2013, 2:26:29 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

The only book we left behind was a rather ancient fedora 4 book. We left nothing of any real value.

As we had said when we were meeting we had collected rather a lot of complete rubbish. The only thing we left were the servers that we lacked the capacity to move or store.

The laptops I plan to take down to re computer recycling.  The only working ones are rather old 386sx ones :)

Ed has the tools soldering irons etc which we currently plan to donate to the Broadstairs group.



David Halliday

Jan 13, 2013, 2:52:40 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
OK, I must have picked them up. No problem.

Good luck to whatever groups people migrate to :)

Steven Gartland

Jan 13, 2013, 2:56:50 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

Hi peter. Don't donate anything until we have no option but to close down. The workshop offered by Tom may work out or we could find somewhere else through Cllr Jane Chitty.

However, if the TV needs a home ill be happy to take it and do it up. Could do some cool stuff with it.

That said, if we do get to the point of donating stuff, I agree that it should go to the Broardstairs group.

This is a very sad day for innovation in Medway.


Ed Lepedus

Jan 13, 2013, 3:16:22 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

I've got together all the tools etc I could find with a view to donating them to a group with similar aims, but will hold off until we are sure we won't be needing them. As for the TV, I assume Steve Howard took it, since it was not in the room and I was told that he had already been in to collect his stuff. 

As Peter said, there is still some stuff left in the room (mainly old PCs/servers, leads etc), so if anyone wants to try to rescue something let me know and I'll try to meet up before Friday.

I agree that it's sad to see the Innovation Centre tend towards becoming just another commercial office space, but hopefully innovation will continue elsewhere in Kent/Medway.

Can we get a "show of hands" from those who would attend if the group was moved to Tom's workshop?


Peter Childs

Jan 13, 2013, 3:17:11 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

To be serios the bag of laptops is complete rubbish. We could not and can store it.

If people really wanted to save prototype it needed to be done back in september and we really needed to move faster when we lost use of the room back in october rather than just leaving it to ed and myself.

Now is just too little to late. Loads of ideas but no local action.

I rufuse to get enolved any further with this political arrgument. I have tried my best over the last 2 years.

If a group want to exsist in medway we must build communication and projects. Which unfortunately we really lacked badly.


Steven Gartland

Jan 13, 2013, 3:42:02 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com

No worries. I just didn't want it getting thrown away.

As for Tom's workshop, I think it seems like an interesting idea for the short term with car pooling. The innovation was already a fairly long way to travel for me so a 40 mile round trip may not be the greatest long term plan (no disrespect to tom and his offer).

This said, I am now working a very erratic shift pattern so can not guarantee regular attendance.

Steven Gartland

Jan 13, 2013, 3:55:04 PM1/13/13
to icmpro...@googlegroups.com
Peter, this is a public forum, therefore, your last post will not help our case or or public image as a group. 

As for a lack of projects, did you get involved with any of the ones we did have?

Your refusal to get involved with this "political arrgument" is welcomed!

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