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Justin De Love

Sep 6, 2023, 4:18:48 AM9/6/23
to I Ching Online Group

It was a hot day, one of the few that can be guaranteed during an English summer. At such times anyone who has the freedom to do so, will partake themselves to where there is cool water to bath in and a place to lie in the sun. The local swimming pool would have been full to bursting with noisy kids and as I wanted peace and quiet this was not the place to go.

Having looked at the map I saw there was a small remnant of a once great forest that contained the spring that fed one of England’s great rivers. I got in the car and went to check it out. On arriving I noticed that trees were really were old, very tall and their shade most pleasant; it was the picture of an enchanted forest. I found the stream easily and was clear and clean running over long smoothed limestone. I reached the source which was a moss covered hole a foot or so wide from which poured out a steady stream of glittering water. I drank deeply and then looked for a place to bath. There was a natural bowl in the rock that looked just thing. I slipped in and instantly relished the cool water on my rather sweaty body. I played around a while most happily, until I saw a most unpleasant sight – there was a condom floating right by my head. I jumped out of the water as if I had had an electric shock.

This rather spoiled the occasion for me and went home straight away. Considering matter later though I realized I was wrong to do so and the meaning of this hexagram became clear to me..

Wilhelm/Baynes:The Joyous. Success. Perseverance is favorable.

The principle text does not tell us much but the line is more revealing

Wilhelm/Baynes: Joyousness that is weighed is not at peace. After ridding himself of mistakes a man has joy.

One should not allow readily allow any minor unpleasantness to spoil one’s enjoyment. I should have fished the offending item out, buried it and continued with my bathing as if nothing unwelcome had occurred.


Sep 9, 2023, 3:56:59 AM9/9/23
to iching...@googlegroups.com
Nice. But how do you link de meaning of the line with the next hexagram?


Sep 22, 2023, 8:07:43 AM9/22/23
to iching...@googlegroups.com
You didn't tell how did you connect the meaning of the line with the meaning of the next hexagram.

On September 6, 2023 8:18:48 AM UTC, Justin De Love <justinl...@gmail.com> wrote:
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