Online Lead management system | Online Lead Management System | online Lead Tracking software

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Dec 14, 2020, 7:52:41 AM12/14/20
to ICE HRM Support
Features of WIN ERP Lead Management System
1.List:  The leads tab opens with a list view showcasing the basic information in chronological order starting from the most recent ones. When you use the system for the first time the list will be empty. It gives you the provision to start adding leads.
2. Sort: The list of leads displayed can be sorted chronologically or as per your choice. There could be a few mandatory columns like:
  • Priority (low/medium/high);
  • Source (email/google/website/other);
  • Stage (draft/in progress/qualified);
  • Assigned to;
  • Edited by
3. Lead Promotion:  To add new leads simply click a “New” button in the top menu. Then fill in all the available contact information into respective forms, like, contact name, email, phone, address, etc. New leads can be assigned to the concerned sales team or it can be linked to the person already in the database. Additional details can be added in internal notes. Click Create, and leads will be generated.

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