FW: Join the ICANN67 Conversation at Today's Public Forum and Q&A with the ICANN org Executive Team!

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Fahd Batayneh

Mar 12, 2020, 11:57:33 AM3/12/20
to New MEAC Strategy Working Group, MEAC-SWG

For those interested in ICANN67 and its proceedings, the below newsletter summarizes the key discussions and sessions that took place on Wednesday, and what to expect for today; Thursday, the last day.


Fahd Batayneh



Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Join the ICANN67 Conversation at Today's Public Forum and Q&A with the ICANN org Executive Team!


ICANN67 7 – 12 March 2020

Virtual Community Forum


#ICANN67 Thursday Newsletter





Join the #ICANN67 Conversation!



ICANN67 Public Forum 2

The Public Forum is the ICANN community's opportunity to share opinions and comments or ask the Board questions. This is the second of two Public Forums at ICANN67.


Today from 9:00-10:30


Did you attend this Public Forum 2?

Let us know what you thought of the session. Complete our post session survey here [r20.rs6.net].




Have a Question for ICANN Org?


Hear from the ICANN org Executive Team on high-priority issues, current strategic and operating plans, future planning, and more. Each executive will share their key areas of focus for the 2021 fiscal year.


Read the latest CEO Report to the ICANN Board here [r20.rs6.net].




After you've participated in the Q&A, please fill out this survey [r20.rs6.net] about the session.



Public Forum 1 Update

ICANN org has published responses to questions posed during the ICANN67 Public Forum 1. Click here [r20.rs6.net] to read them.





ICANN Public Board Meeting



The ICANN Board has its regular meeting at ICANN67. The Board will discuss key priorities and issues raised at ICANN67.


After you have attended, please let us know what you thought of the session here [r20.rs6.net].





EPDP Team Seeks Public Comment

Today, the EPDP Team on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data wraps up its final day of working sessions at ICANN67. On 7 February 2020, the EPDP Team published [r20.rs6.net] its Phase 2 Initial Report. Since the Public Comment proceeding is open during ICANN67, the EPDP Team used its ICANN67 working sessions to discuss Priority 2 items, including the redaction of city field and the use of pseudonymized vs. anonymized email addresses.


After attending the session, don't forget to tell us what you think [r20.rs6.net].



GAC: Operational Topics in Focus

The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) wrap up session will enable GAC members to review hot topic discussions from ICANN67 and to chart next steps for future work on matters that were postponed by the virtual meeting format. 


During the wrap up session, GAC members will also discuss a number of operational matters, including GAC advice tracking and participation in the Empowered Community.


Due to the virtual meeting format and to allow for full consultation among GAC members, the GAC ICANN67 Communiqué will not be published this week and will likely be published next week.




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All times EST/UTC-5






Please take a moment to fill out this survey [r20.rs6.net] about the Virtual Community Forum.



Read our "How to Participate in ICANN67 Virtual Sessions" Guide, Available in Three Languages. Click these links: English Guide [r20.rs6.net] - Spanish Guide [r20.rs6.net] - French Guide [r20.rs6.net]



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Email the ICANN Complaints Officer or submit a complaint here [r20.rs6.net].





RECAP: Getting to Know the Mexican Internet Ecosystem

Agenda: The objective of this session was to introduce relevant actors of the multistakeholder Mexican Internet ecosystem and interesting data on the current state of the Internet in Mexico. Members of the ICANN67 Cancún Local Host Committee provided presentations on diverse topics with speakers from Mexico’s Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, NEUBOX, Punto2012, NIC México, and the Internet Society Chapter Mexico. Finally, the session included remarks from ICANN’s CEO and President, Göran Marby, and ICANN’s Board Vice Chair, León Sánchez.



·     The session attracted 40 participants. It began with opening remarks from ICANN’s Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean and Managing Director of the Montevideo Regional Office, who made a summary of the recent outreach efforts in different cities in Mexico together with the Local Host Committee as a prelude to ICANN’s return to Mexico in 2021.

·     Mexico’s Secretariat of Communications and Transportation discussed the Universal Digital Inclusion Policy of its administration, which is based on five strategic pillars to achieve the transformation and digital inclusion of Mexico:

·     Telecommunications and Broadcasting Infrastructure

·     Social Coverage and Access

·     Digital Skills and Capacity Building

·     Technologies, Standards, Data, Interoperability, Cybersecurity, and Governance

·     Evaluation and Interinstitutional participation

·     During NIC Mexico’s presentation on Open Architecture characteristics and global challenges, the presenter gave an overview of their role in order to ensure an open, neutral, and secure Internet for more Mexicans.

·     The Mexican Chapter of Internet Society provided a presentation on social movements and the Internet in Mexico, from the Zapatista War (1994) to this year #8M (International Women’s Day marches and protests) and #9M (“A Day Without a Woman” strike).

·     Punto2012 addressed the challenges and opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the digital world and the benefits of the New Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Program from its own experience with .rest and .bar.

·     NEUBOX gave an educational presentation and shared some interesting data of the Internet in Mexico like its Internet penetration (83 million Internet users), the number of .MX domains (1.2 million), the percentage of Internet users that buy online (71%), and the rapid growth of eCommerce in Mexico, which is faster than the Mexican national GDP.

·     ICANN CEO and President Göran Marby and ICANN Board Vice Chair León Sánchez thanked the Local Host Committee for all their efforts and support, highlighted the uniqueness of the Mexican Internet ecosystem, and emphasized that they are personally looking forward to returning to Mexico next year.



RECAP: GNSO Review of All RPMs

Agenda: The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPM) in All gTLDs Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group is scheduled to complete its review of the draft Phase 1 Initial Report, as well as the deliberations on the RPM-related recommendations referred by the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data and the Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review. 



·     The working group has completed the review of its draft Phase 1 Initial Report, which contains 26 preliminary recommendations, 17 specific community questions, and 24 proposals submitted by individual members. 

·     Taking into account the EPDP Team Phase 1 recommendations, the working group proposed one additional community question pertaining to the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS). The working group welcomes input, particularly from the EPDP Team, as to whether its preliminary recommendations are compliant with applicable laws and consistent with the EPDP Team’s intentions and recommendations. 

·     The working group also previewed and provided input to the Google Form that will be used for Public Comment. 


Next Steps:

·     Since the working group completed its work plan for ICANN67, it canceled its fourth session scheduled for tomorrow.

·     The working group plans to conduct a final check of the draft Phase 1 Initial Report in its entirety via its mailing list, with the goal to publish it for Public Comment on Wednesday 18 March 2020.



RECAP: GNSO Council Meeting

Agenda: The GNSO Council focused its ICANN67 public session on two items: 

1.  In depth review of ongoing projects managed by the GNSO Council.

2.  Discussion of how to prioritize future GNSO projects. 


The GNSO Council also discussed action items related to Policy Development Process (PDP) 3.0 implementation work and the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team’s request for guidance. 



·     The GNSO Council conducted a close review of the GNSO Projects List [r20.rs6.net] and discussed the current status of each of its projects in the various phases, ranging from issue identification to active working groups. This deep-dive helped the GNSO Council understand whether its current work is as well positioned as possible to succeed.

·     GNSO Councilors shared the top policy priorities from their respective stakeholder groups and constituencies. This exchange helped inform the development of the framework of prioritization by the GNSO Council to plan upcoming projects waiting in its pipeline, including transfer policy and others. 

·     Per the EPDP Team’s request for guidance, the GNSO Council discussed whether the data accuracy issue is within the scope of the EPDP.


Next Steps:

·     The GNSO Council will continue its discussion of the data accuracy issue on its mailing list, aiming to respond to the EPDP Team as soon as possible. 

·     After ICANN67, the GNSO Council is expected to start developing a Framework of Prioritization to plan its future policy activities. Furthermore, the GNSO Council plans to provide the broader community with insights into the PDP 3.0 implementation work that aligns with the Evolving ICANN‘s Multistakeholder Model project.



RECAP: SSAC Public Meeting

Agenda: The Security and Stability Advisory Committee discussed its reports, advisories, and comments published since ICANN66. The SSAC also provided updates on its current work parties.



·     SSAC Member Barry Leiba provided an overview of the SSAC’s upcoming report on the implications of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT). Leiba noted that readers can expect the document to explore the effects of these technologies on several groups of stakeholders.

·     SSAC members also outlined the SSAC’s recent work related to the IANA Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers [r20.rs6.net], the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross-Community Working Group Initial Report [r20.rs6.net], the Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team Draft Report [r20.rs6.net]NIST post-quantum cryptography second-round candidate algorithms [r20.rs6.net], the Name Collision Analysis Project [r20.rs6.net], and its upcoming feedback on the Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report.


Next Steps:

·     The SSAC will publish its report here [r20.rs6.net] on the implications of DoH and DoT this week.

·     The SSAC will continue the development of reports, advisories, and comments on a range of topics and will prepare a public presentation of its recent activities for ICANN68.





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Missed Wednesday’s informational session?

Click here [r20.rs6.net] to learn more.






The numbers below do not include Board or org participants, but include community participants who joined for all or some part of the session.


Participants: 233


Participants: 162


Participants: 135


Top Five Geolocations for All Sessions

United States



United Kingdom








ICANN Board Participating, Virtually

In the spirit of the ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum, the ICANN Board [r20.rs6.net] is also participating from many locations across the world. ICANN Board Chair Maarten Botterman is in Rotterdam, Netherlands, taking part in discussions from his home office. Board Member Tripti Sinha sends her congratulations from Washington, D.C., "I am impressed with attendance at the sessions in Virtual ICANN67! It is enabling us to move from session to session quickly. Thanks to ICANN org for all the hard work in planning such a good first virtual meeting."


Where Each Board Member is Participating in ICANN67:

Harald Alvestrand - Trondheim, Norway

Maarten Botterman - Rotterdam, Netherlands

Becky Burr - Rappahannock County, Virginia and Washington, D.C., US

Ron da Silva - Ashburn, Virginia, US

Sarah Deutsch - Arlington, Virginia,US

Chris Disspain - Foulsham, United Kingdom

Avri Doria - Hope, Rhode Island, US

Lito Ibarra - San Salvador, El Salvador

Manal Ismail - Cairo, Egypt

Danko Jevtoviç - Belgrade, Serbia

Merike Käo - Hillsborough, New Jersey, US

Akinori Maemura - Tokyo, Japan

Göran Marby - Los Angeles, California, US

Mandla Msimang - Johannesburg, South Africa

Ihab Osman - Khartoum, Sudan

Kaveh Ranjbar - Zaandam, Netherlands

Nigel Roberts - Alderney, Guernsey

León Sánchez - San Mateo Atenco, Mexico

Matthew Shears - Haywards Heath, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Tripti Sinha - Washington, D.C., US


The Board holds a public meeting today. Information about joining can be found here. [r20.rs6.net]


Maarten Botterman in Netherlands

Akinori Maemura in Japan


Avri Doria in the US

Danko Jevtović in Serbia


Lito Ibarra in El Salvador

Becky Burr in the US


Léon Sanchéz in Mexico

Ron da Silva in the US





Keep those photos coming of you at #ICANN67 virtually connecting with the ICANN community! Stay on top of all the developments at ICANN and across the many parts of our community on our social media feeds. Find all the links below.


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South Africa













EXPLORE ICANN LEARN: Internet Diplomacy



Increased cooperation among varied actors and networks will prove key in current and future Internet issues. Those familiar with public diplomacy have the opportunity to help global stakeholders to explore new channels for effective communication and collaboration. 


ICANN Learn [r20.rs6.net], ICANN’s online capacity-development platform, hosts a course on Internet Diplomacy, bringing together distinguished speakers and participants from across different sectors and regions to examine the socioeconomic and political implications of Internet-related issues. 


Register now for this free course here [r20.rs6.net].







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