FW: Read Session Recaps and Tell Us What You Thought of the First Virtual Public Meeting in the Final #ICANN67 Newsletter

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Fahd Batayneh

Mar 15, 2020, 11:29:56 AM3/15/20
to MEAC-SWG, icann-me...@googlegroups.com

Friends and Colleagues,


For those interested in ICANN67 and its proceedings, the below newsletter summarizes the key discussions and sessions that took place on the last day of the meeting; Thursday.


We have two asks for you:


  1. Please take the post-meeting survey at the following link >> http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07egyrpeh6k7o0cobc/a01cok7t6xloo/questions. If the link does not work, please scroll-down and click the relevant link.
  2. Please share your feedback on how the below daily briefs were? Any suggestions for improvements are very much welcome, and appreciated.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh



Date: Friday, March 13, 2020 at 9:01 PM
Subject: Read Session Recaps and Tell Us What You Thought of the First Virtual Public Meeting in the Final #ICANN67 Newsletter


ICANN67 7 – 12 March 2020

Virtual Community Forum


#ICANN67 Friday Newsletter






Thank You

from ICANN CEO Göran Marby



Thank you to our community, Board, and org who collaborated to make this historic ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum a success.


We should all be proud of the large number of participants who engaged in the sessions remotely to share their questions and opinions and work together towards solutions. The ICANN community counts many pioneers among us, and that experience helped us all come together to create solutions for this unique challenge.


Our community embraces change and constant improvement. This was our first virtual meeting and there are always things we could do better. Please let us know what you thought of the meeting by completing this short survey [r20.rs6.net]. The lessons we learn from ICANN67 will help enhance our day-to-day collaboration. We sincerely hope that this situation is resolved soon, and we can meet in person for our next Public Meeting.


Thank you again for your flexibility, dedication, and participation.




YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT! Complete this short survey [r20.rs6.net] on the ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum.






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RECAP: Public Forum 2

Agenda: Board Chair Maarten Botterman welcomed the virtual attendees. There were two 35-minute Q&A blocks. Board member Sarah Deutsch facilitated the first block and Board member Lito Ibarra facilitated the second session. Both Q&A blocks were open to questions on any subject of community interest.



·     Some of the most frequent comments and discussions focused on Universal Acceptance, DNS Abuse, and Compliance.

·     There were several congratulatory and positive comments made about the virtual experience that defined ICANN67.

·     One GAC member commented that other organizations would benefit from ICANN sharing its lessons learned.

·     Numerous community participants made comments and raised questions on a wide array of issues, which went into the public record.

·     The depth and breadth of the questions prompted several interesting and respectful discussions in the chat.


Next Steps:

·     All the comments and questions went into the recording of the second Public Forum.

·     Board Chair Maarten Botterman pointed to a survey at the end of the session in which attendees were asked to afford feedback on the session.



RECAP: GNSO – EPDP Phase 2 Meeting (2 of 2)

Agenda: The EPDP Team continued its deliberations on Priority 2 topics, including the feasibility of unique contacts to have a uniform anonymized email address, city field redaction, WHOIS accuracy, revised Purpose 2, and automation use cases. The EPDP Team also discussed draft responses to questions from ICANN org and underlying assumptions regarding System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) cost estimation.



·     The EPDP Team agreed on the draft recommendation text for both the feasibility of unique contacts to have a uniform anonymized email address and city field redaction. 

·     Following the receipt of guidance from the ICANN Board on revised Purpose 2, the EPDP Team agreed to discuss the issue further during its meeting on Thursday 19 March.

·     The EPDP Team also extensively discussed automation use cases and has asked its legal committee to consider asking outside counsel for further guidance on the proposed automation use cases, specifically with respect to risk and liability.


Next Steps:

·     The EPDP Team will meet 14:00-16:00 UTC on Tuesday 17 March to discuss a potential ICANN Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) purpose, and a small sub-team will discuss the draft responses to questions from ICANN org and underlying assumptions regarding SSAD cost estimation.

·     Please find further details here [r20.rs6.net].



RECAP: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG (3 of 3)

Agenda:The Generic Names Supporting Organization New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group held its final of three ICANN67 working sessions to review and refine draft recommendations for its Final Report. The working group is focusing these sessions on topics that are of particular interest to members of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC).



In this session, the working group focused on reviewing draft recommendations on two topics:

·     GAC Early Warnings and GAC Advice

·     The Applicant Support Program

The current version of the working group’s draft outputs on these topics is available here [r20.rs6.net].


Next Steps:

The working group will resume its normal work schedule next week with a meeting on Monday 16 March 2020.



RECAP: UA: Communication and Coordination Working Groups

Agenda: The Universal Acceptance (UA) Communications Working Group focused on their 2020 priorities which include reaching new target audiences, content development, and digital engagement. The UA Coordination Working Group concentrated on the progress being made towards its Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) Action Plan, as well as overall challenges and opportunities.



·     The Communications Working Group started its session with a discussion on the new target audiences the group has identified – software developers and email tool and service providers – and how they plan to conduct outreach in 2020.

·     The group then examined the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) content that is currently being developed, including an ICANN UA Case Study, an official communications plan for 2020, messaging questionnaires for the target audiences, and a UA Readiness Framework paper.

·     The Coordination Working Group began its session with an overview of the FY20 Action Plan and provided status updates on projects being undertaken by each working group.

·     The Coordination Working Group discussed current challenges, including increasing participation in working groups, attracting more ambassadors, and getting organizations to commit to becoming UA ready.


Next Steps:

·     The Communications Working Group is working to finalize and distribute questionnaires to guide the development of key messages to software developers, email tool and service providers, and system administrators.

·     The Communications Working Group plans to publish the ICANN case study and UA Readiness Framework paper after ICANN67.

·     The Coordination Working Group will continue its outreach efforts to increase participation. If you are interested in joining a UA working group, please find out more here [r20.rs6.net].






The numbers below do not include Board or org participants, but include community participants who joined for all or some part of the session.


Participants: 464


Participants: 198


Top Five Geolocations for All Sessions

United States


United Kingdom








Your selfies from the Virtual Community Forum were one of the highlights of ICANN67!


Stay on top of all the developments at ICANN and across the many parts of our community on our social media feeds. Find all the links below.






Burkina Faso



Dominican Republic






United States

United Kingdom







The nomination period for this year’s ICANN Community Excellence Award closes on Friday 27 March 2020. Learn more about the nomination process [r20.rs6.net].


The ICANN Community Excellence Award recognizes ICANN community members who substantively contribute to policymaking in the ICANN ecosystem and who are deeply invested in developing consensus-based solutions within the ICANN multistakeholder model. 


Submit [r20.rs6.net] your nomination by Friday, 27 March 2020!







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