FW: Learn More About The DNSSEC Workshop Happening Today In The #ICANN67 Newsletter!

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Fahd Batayneh

Mar 11, 2020, 2:18:04 PM3/11/20

For those interested in ICANN67 and its proceedings, the below newsletter summarizes the key discussions and sessions that took place on Tuesday, and what to expect for today; Wednesday.


Fahd Batayneh



Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 1:02 PM
Subject: [Ext] Learn More About The DNSSEC Workshop Happening Today In The #ICANN67 Newsletter!


You Don't Want To Miss This.

ICANN67 7 – 12 March 2020

Virtual Community Forum


#ICANN67 Wednesday Newsletter





Join the DNSSEC Workshop

This session is a public presentation and discussion with those actively engaged in the deployment of the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). Registries, registrars, Internet service providers (ISPs), and others who plan to deploy DNSSEC services will benefit from the presentation and discussion.


Today from 9:00-12:15


After you attend this workshop, let us know what you thought and what could be improved. Complete a short survey here [r20.rs6.net].



Read our "How to Participate in ICANN67 Virtual Sessions" Guide, Available in Three Languages. Click these links: English Guide [r20.rs6.net] - Spanish Guide [r20.rs6.net] - French Guide [r20.rs6.net]





GAC: Update from the Public Safety Working Group

In this session, Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) Leaders will endorse the PSWG Work Plan for 2020-2021. Areas of focus include the development of GAC recommendations on Domain Name System (DNS) Abuse, and next steps related to the development of a Temporary Specification model, also known as the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure of non-public gTLD registration data (SSAD).


Today from 9:00-9:30



Learn More About the ICANN Open Data Platform

The Open Data Program aims to enhance the transparency and accessibility of the data ICANN holds. At this session, the ICANN team will brief the community on the the new tool, its benefits, and the datasets included for this launch. Find out how you can contribute to the platform's evolution.


Today from 12:30-13:30



One World – One Internet? Cybersecurity and Geopolitics in a Multistakeholder Environment

At-Large will hold a roundtable with speakers from across the community on the topic of cybersecurity and geopolitics in a multistakeholder environment [r20.rs6.net]. Led by ALAC member Joanna Kulesza, the roundtable will seek to explore the modern day rationale for "One World. One Internet.” This session explores ICANN policies in the face of global disruptive trends and why "One World. One Internet" remains a valid narrative.




All times EST/UTC-5







SSAC Public Meeting [r20.rs6.net] Time: 15:30 – 17:00



Download the ICANN67 mobile app.

Now available in app stores: Apple Store [r20.rs6.net] and Google Play [r20.rs6.net]






RECAP: GNSO – EPDP Phase 2 Meeting (1 of 2)


The EPDP Team continued its deliberations on Priority 2 topics, including the display of information of affiliated vs. accredited privacy/proxy providers, data retention, revised Purpose 2, and automation use cases.



·     The EPDP Team agreed on the draft recommendation text for the display of information for affiliated vs. accredited privacy/proxy providers and data retention. The EPDP Team will include these draft recommendations in its addendum on Priority 2 items, which will be published for Public Comment.

·     The EPDP Team expects to revisit the revised Purpose 2 topic following further input from the ICANN Board.

·     Lastly, the EPDP Team will continue to work offline on the automation use cases, noting specifically which use cases must vs. may be automated.


Next Steps:

·     The EPDP Team will meet again on Thursday, 12 May, 10:45-12:45 UTC-5.

·     Please find further details here [r20.rs6.net].


Did you attend the EPDP Phase 2 Meeting? Tell us what you thought of the session here [r20.rs6.net].





This session focused on engagement efforts with the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Internet community on relevant ICANN-related issues. The session included updates and presentations from the ICANN Board, the Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO), the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), the Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) and two regional partner organizations: the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC) and the Latin American and Caribbean Association of ccTLDs (LACTLD). Additionally, the agenda included an update on the LAC Strategy.



·     The session began with opening remarks from ICANN’s Sally Costerton, Sr Advisor to President and SVP, Global Stakeholder Engagement, who announced that a new hire for ICANN’s technical engagement team will be based in the Montevideo Regional Office. The objective of this hire is to support capacity-building efforts in the region. 

·     ICANN’s Board members updated the community on the Board’s activities and operational priorities, the process to review the strategic plan, and other relevant activities.

·     The GAC discussed some of the diverse sessions that will be held during this virtual meeting as well as bilateral interactions with other community groups. More information will be available in the GAC communiqué.

·     LACNIC invited the participants to read their book The Development of the LACNIC Community [r20.rs6.net], register for their 2020 events [r20.rs6.net], and engage in their diverse initiatives [r20.rs6.net].

·     LACTLD talked about their recent legal training course on illegal content held last week in Cancún for judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies in LAC. LACTLD announced that three Caribbean countries recently joined the association: Trinidad and Tobago, Guadalupe, and Granada.

·     LACRALO talked about the efforts and objectives of their working group on Universal Acceptance (UA) and Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) efforts in the region, including their manual on UA and IDNs adoption from the perspective of the end user. More information, in English and Spanish, here [r20.rs6.net].


Next Steps:

·     The LAC Strategy Council will meet on 10 March to go over the suggested projects for the new LAC Strategy.

·     By the end of this month, ICANN will open a Public Comment period on this matter to gather feedback from the LAC community.



RECAP: At-Large Policy Session – DoH/DOT – Threats and Challenges


This session examined DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) technologies for encrypted DNS, including advantages and disadvantages.



A panel moderated by ALAC Chair Maureen Hilyard and ALAC member Holly Raiche and comprised of SSAC Chair Rod Rasmussen, SSAC member Barry Leiba, and ICANN org Principal Technologist Paul Hoffman explained the background for encrypted DNS and the implications it has on DNS operations. At-Large members and 185 online participants asked questions and shared their feedback on the topic. Hilyard noted: “DoT and DoH are significant issues of interest for the At-Large community. We continue to follow the evolution of this technology and its impact on the DNS, and Internet end users worldwide.”


Next Steps:

The At-Large community will continue to discuss DoT and DoH via its technical and policy working groups, including the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group.



RECAP: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group (Session 2 of 3)


The Generic Names Supporting Organization New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group held its second of three working sessions to review and refine draft recommendations for its Final Report. The working group is focusing these sessions on topics that are of particular interest to members of the Governmental Advisory Committee.



·     In this session, the working group focused on the topic of the Global Public Interest, including Mandatory Public Interest Commitments (PICs); Voluntary Public Interest Commitments, which the working group is tentatively calling Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs) for the purposes of new gTLD subsequent procedures; DNS abuse; and verified TLDs.

·     The current version of the working group’s draft outputs on this topic is available here [r20.rs6.net].


Next Steps:

·     The working group’s next session will take place on Thursday, 12 March at 10:45 UTC-5.

·     The working group discussion will be moving on to other subjects, beginning with GAC Advice and GAC Early Warning.

·     The agenda is available here [r20.rs6.net].



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Click here [r20.rs6.net]to view the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy.






The numbers below do not include Board or org participants, but include community participants who joined for all or some part of the session.


Participants: 298


Participants: 272


Participants: 198


Top Five Geolocations for All Sessions

United States


United Kingdom






Have a concern for the ICANN Ombudsman? Contact the office.

Email the ICANN Complaints Officer or submit a complaint here [r20.rs6.net].



ICANN IN THE NEWS: The Future of the Internet



ICANN President & CEO Göran Marby has contributed his thoughts on the challenges facing Internet governance in the next decade to Our World magazine. The publication featured more than 50 leaders from politics, business, civil society, and academia discussing the opportunities and issues we must address to improve our world.


Read his article here [r20.rs6.net].






Thursday 9:00 - 10:30

Submit questions to: publi...@icann.org.







How Are You Taking Part in ICANN67?

We love that the community is embracing our campaign and posting pictures of your remote locations to connect with the rest of the ICANN67 participants. Keeping posting! Don't forget to use the #ICANN67 hashtag and tell us what city you are located in.


Check out some of the remote locations and how some pets are taking part in the meeting too!


See other remote community pictures posted to our Flickr account [r20.rs6.net].


















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EXPLORE ICANN LEARN: How Does Unconscious Bias Affect You?



Are you familiar with 'unconscious bias'? ICANN Learn [r20.rs6.net], ICANN’s online capacity-development platform, features a new course on Unconscious Bias to help learners understand how their background and experiences may impact decision making in a global multistakeholder environment.


Register now for this free course here [r20.rs6.net].






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