Error Index is under processing now

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Dec 6, 2017, 7:15:24 PM12/6/17
to AtoM Users
Hola buenas noches aqui en Bolivia, hace años que usamos el ICA ATOM pero hace unas semanas me esta generando un error al intentar grabar me sale error 500 y al hacer una busqueda me sale este error Index is under processing now, tengo la version 1.2.1.

Les agradedeceria  mucho su ayuda.

Dan Gillean

Dec 7, 2017, 10:27:19 AM12/7/17
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hello Ramiro, 

First, we strongly suggest that you consider upgrading to the most recent version of AtoM! There have been many bug fixes, security improvements, and new features added to AtoM since v1.2.1 - AtoM is now on version 2.4. See: 
Regarding this message - first, you can always find more information about a 500 error by looking in your webserver logs. For Apache, I believe that this would be: 
  • sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
The error suggests that your site is stuck in the process of re-indexing. I'm not sure why that is (I haven't seen this error message before), but I would suggest trying to start a fresh re-index. From AtoM's root installation directory, try the following: 
  • php symfony search:populate QubitSearch
You can also try optimizing the search index as well on older installations, for increased performance: 
  • php symfony search:optimize QubitSearch
I would also suggest that you clear the application cache: 
  • php symfony cc
Let us know if that helps resolve the issue. If not, please share any related error message that you find in the Apache logs! 

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