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Mary Grace Kosta

Oct 6, 2022, 3:26:42 PM10/6/22
to AtoM Users
Just wondering if anyone is following this project which is researching the need for, and implementation of, a national finding aid network in the USA. I don't get the strong impression that they have really considered AtoM. They seem to be working with Lyrasis:

Archeion Coordinator

Oct 6, 2022, 4:50:40 PM10/6/22
to AtoM Users
Hi Mary,

I (Jazmine Aldrich, Archeion Coordinator for AAO) attended the NAFAN session today. I find it interesting that NAFAN does not seem to be seriously considering AtoM as it would respond to most of their user-defined needs. 

One thing I did notice, however, was that they would like a system that crawls members' OPACs to update entries in their aggregator, and generally, they would like to enable automatic updates to the aggregator system. This seems beyond AtoM's capacity right now, but it would be awesome if that could come in a future release. Manual (i.e. not automatic and requiring human intervention) updates to aggregator databases are a huge barrier for participation in projects like NAFAN.

Views are my own!

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