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Hi Matthew,
I’d suggest looking into fail2ban.
You would use the access logs to determine failed log in attempts and you can set the configuration to determine how many failed log ins in a certain timeframe would equal an IP ban.
You also set up how long a ban would last on that IP.
Fail2ban is also useful to catch bruteforce ssh logins and you can even whitelist IPs.
I can see if I can find our configuration and send it to you.
Monica Wood
Library Applications Administrator
Library | Academic Division
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 25, Hobart TAS 7001
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Here is a basic configuration that will work on the atom login. Ubuntu fail2ban configuration is kept at /etc/fail2ban/
In jail.local: (Enter your IP in ignoreip and point the logpath to your nginx log access file.
bantime = 1h
findtime = 30m
maxretry = 3
filter = sshd
maxretry = 2
enabled = True
port = ssh
# HTTP servers
enabled = true
filter = nginx-http-auth
port = http,https
logpath = /var/log/nginx/access.log
The filter file at filter.d/nginx-http-auth.conf:
# fail2ban filter configuration for nginx
# Match /index.php/user/login. 200 status code means it didn't successfully login and didn't redirect the user to the page they were just on.
# 302 redirect status code means the login was successful
failregex = ^<HOST> - - \[.*?\] "POST /index.php/user/login HTTP/1.\d" 200
ignoreregex =
hopefully this will help you and anyone else that would like to set it up for AtoM.
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