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Jul 6, 2017, 10:33:06 PM7/6/17
to AtoM Users

Series not showing as a Level of Description
Click on “Browse” and then click on “Archival Descriptions” from the drop down menu. 
This takes you to a page where all archival descriptions are listed. On the left hand side, 
a box titled “Level of Description” allows you to select the  appropriate level of description for browsing. 

Deafultly ATOM UI  is giving TOPlevel description serach is it possible to make it to all description serach?
otherwise everytime i have to go to advnace serach option and do it.
attached screen shot for the same.


Dan Gillean

Jul 7, 2017, 10:45:30 AM7/7/17
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Binaya,

In AtoM 2.3 there is a difference in the default behavior between arriving on the Browse page (Browse > Archival description) and starting a search (via the global search box, or the Advanced search menu).

When you navigate to Browse > Archival description, then the top-level description filter is engaged by default. You can remove it either as you have been doing (opening the Advanced search panel and clicking "All descriptions" and then submitting), or by clicking the X on the filter tag at the top of the Browse page that says "Top level descriptions":

If you conduct a search via the Global search box or the Advanced search panel, then by default, AtoM will return results from all levels of description.

Fortunately, because everything in AtoM is passed via URL parameters, you can use the Manage Menus module to change the default behavior of the Browse menu. If you want to make it so that clicking Browse > Archival descriptions will default to displaying all levels, try the following:
  • Navigate to Admin > Menus
  • Scroll down and find the section with the Browse menu
  • click on the browseInformationObjects menu node to go to its edit page
  • now we want to change the Path: currently it reads: informationobject/browse
  • Change the Path to: informationobject/browse?topLod=0
  • Click the Save button in the button block at the bottom of the page.

Now when you click on Browse  > Archival descriptions, it should show all levels of description by default, instead of just top-level descriptions.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Cécile Gass

Oct 12, 2020, 5:16:35 AM10/12/20
to AtoM Users
Good morning,

great AtoM enables us to parameter if we want to show only top-level description in the "Archival descriptions browse" menu.
Is there a way to do the same for the Search menu, i.e. to only display top-level descriptions after having performed a general search?

Many thanks... and sorry if this question has already been answered (which I did not find).

Best regards

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Dan Gillean

Oct 19, 2020, 5:30:52 PM10/19/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Cécile, 

Sorry for the delay - it has taken me a little bit to track down the answer for you! 

There is no easy way in the user interface to implement this change, so that search results display only top-level records first, by default. However, I think it may be a one-line code change for you to make. 

Please note that other than a very fast local test to confirm this is the right line of code, we have NOT tested this in depth! If you are planning to make this change in a production instance of AtoM, I strongly recommend that you try it first in a development environment and test it thoroughly to ensure there are not any other unintended consequences! 

Keep in mind as well that, as with all local code changes, you will need to re-apply this change again if you upgrade in the future.

The line that I think you should try changing is here: 

<input type="hidden" name="topLod" value="0"/>

If you change the value to 1, then I think it will accomplish what you want - like so:

<input type="hidden" name="topLod" value="1"/>

This topLod parameter is a URL parameter associated with the top-level descriptions filter toggle available in the Advanced search. Try performing a search, opening the advanced search panel and adding or removing the top-level descriptions filter, and then look at the resulting search page URL - you will see in the parameters passed that topLod=1 appears when the top-level description filter is turned on, and topLod=0 will appear in the URL when the filter is turned off, so that all levels show. 

This line of code we are editing currently tells AtoM that when a global search is performed, by default make the results apply to all descriptions. If you change it to 1, then you will essentially be telling AtoM to filter the results list to top-level descriptions. However, users will still be able to click and remove the top-level filter tag, or else open the Advanced search panel and remove it there. 

After you make the change in the code and save it:
  • Clear the application cache: php symfony cc
  • Restart PHP-FPM - in AtoM 16.04 or 18.04 with PHP 7.2 this would be: sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm
  • Remember that your web browser also has a cache - you may need to clear it to see changes, or else test in an incognito browser window. 
And again - PLEASE test this thoroughly before making these changes in a production AtoM site! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Cécile Gass

Oct 28, 2020, 5:25:47 AM10/28/20
to AtoM Users
Good morning Dan,
all my grateful thanks for your detailed answer: our IT person has picked up your recommandations and implemented them in our TEST environment and it works fantastically!
Best regards
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